Thread local storage issue

Floyd Brown flobro30101 at
Tue Mar 17 17:49:23 UTC 2020

Using 2019.11 and I having issues with mkfs.ext4 (mke2fs) with a segfault
in libuuid, more specifically lib/randutils.c:67:
        ul_jrand_seed[0] = getpid() ^ (tv.tv_sec & 0xFFFF);

ul_jrand_seed is defined as follows:

#ifdef HAVE_TLS
#define THREAD_LOCAL static __thread
#define THREAD_LOCAL static

#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__NR_gettid) && defined(HAVE_JRAND48)
#define DO_JRAND_MIX
THREAD_LOCAL unsigned short ul_jrand_seed[3];

When attempting to store the result  in the ul_jrand_seed[0], we get a
segfault. Using GDB, i attempted to look at the variable address which is
reported as invalid.

I have NTPL enabled in my busybox build but ---?

What am I missing? I undefined the THREAD_LOCAL define for the variable and
it works.

Any Idea what I am missing?


Floyd Brown
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