[uClibc] problem with SiS board and buildroot-built uclibc/busybox init process

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Mon Jun 14 21:29:59 UTC 2004

On Monday 14 June 2004 04:56, Seb James wrote:

> I also found that 2.6.4 and uclibc isn't a match made in heaven. So I
> decided to re-run the buildroot process but this time with
> TARGETS+=linux instead of TARGETS+=kernel-headers and using the
> 2.4.26-pre5-erik kernel which is currently the buildroot process's
> default. I modified the buildroot/sources/linux.config to support my
> board.

It really really helps to be using the right kernel headers when compiling a C 
library to work with the 2.6 kernel.  I use the ones from Mariusz Mazur 
<mmazur at kernel.pl>, which are on the web at 

(Although the version is the first one with all bugs I know about 
fixed.  Then again, if you're not trying to compile esoteric things like 
cdrecord, you should be okay with an earlier version...)

> Does this give a clue as to what is failing to work when using the 2.4
> kernel?

Are you using /dev/pts?  (It's a good idea, but make sure it's compiled in and 
mounted.  There's also some fun ones like /dev/console...  In 2.6, it might 
be easier to try to set up udev and let it deal with it.  That's on my to-do 

> Does this sound like a kernel mis-configuration issue?

It could be that /dev is wonky.  Missing files, permissions, who knows?

> Any suggestions for new approaches to find out what this problem is
> would be greatly appreciated!

echo "boing" > /dev/console during your init scripts for a start.  (I dunno 
what that'll tell you, but it'll probably tell you something.  And if it 
works, you can stick printfs into things which makes debugging _so_ much 

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October 8-10, 2004 in Austin Texas.  (I'm the con chair.)

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