Query regarding busybox

Ravi Tripathi ravitripathi.1310 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 11:48:53 UTC 2023

Hello Team

Can you please help me with a query regarding busybox.

My embedded project is currently using busybox version 1.29.3.
And for creating a performance optimization tool I need few utilities like

tar with option --use-compress-program=LZ4
df -B
pgrep (full version)

Among these 5 utilities, lz4 and chrt are available in v1.29.3 but df and
tar does not have required option. pgrep is not available.
Could you tell me which version could i refer for having all utilities?


*Ravi Tripathi*
*wa.me/91 <http://wa.me/91>**8884609031*
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