[git commit] bunzip2: fix runCnt overflow from bug 10431

Denys Vlasenko vda.linux at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 22 16:23:23 UTC 2017

commit: https://git.busybox.net/busybox/commit/?id=0402cb32df015d9372578e3db27db47b33d5c7b0
branch: https://git.busybox.net/busybox/commit/?id=refs/heads/master

This particular corrupted file can be dealth with by using "unsigned".
If there will be cases where it genuinely overflows, there is a disabled
code to deal with that too.

function                                             old     new   delta
get_next_block                                      1678    1667     -11

Signed-off-by: Denys Vlasenko <vda.linux at googlemail.com>
 archival/libarchive/decompress_bunzip2.c | 30 +++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/archival/libarchive/decompress_bunzip2.c b/archival/libarchive/decompress_bunzip2.c
index 7cd18f5..bec89ed 100644
--- a/archival/libarchive/decompress_bunzip2.c
+++ b/archival/libarchive/decompress_bunzip2.c
@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ static unsigned get_bits(bunzip_data *bd, int bits_wanted)
 static int get_next_block(bunzip_data *bd)
 	struct group_data *hufGroup;
-	int dbufCount, dbufSize, groupCount, *base, *limit, selector,
-		i, j, runPos, symCount, symTotal, nSelectors, byteCount[256];
-	int runCnt = runCnt; /* for compiler */
+	int groupCount, *base, *limit, selector,
+		i, j, symCount, symTotal, nSelectors, byteCount[256];
 	uint8_t uc, symToByte[256], mtfSymbol[256], *selectors;
 	uint32_t *dbuf;
 	unsigned origPtr, t;
+	unsigned dbufCount, runPos;
+	unsigned runCnt = runCnt; /* for compiler */
 	dbuf = bd->dbuf;
-	dbufSize = bd->dbufSize;
 	selectors = bd->selectors;
 /* In bbox, we are ok with aborting through setjmp which is set up in start_bunzip */
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ static int get_next_block(bunzip_data *bd)
 	   it didn't actually work. */
 	if (get_bits(bd, 1)) return RETVAL_OBSOLETE_INPUT;
 	origPtr = get_bits(bd, 24);
-	if ((int)origPtr > dbufSize) return RETVAL_DATA_ERROR;
+	if (origPtr > bd->dbufSize) return RETVAL_DATA_ERROR;
 	/* mapping table: if some byte values are never used (encoding things
 	   like ascii text), the compression code removes the gaps to have fewer
@@ -435,7 +435,14 @@ static int get_next_block(bunzip_data *bd)
 			   symbols, but a run of length 0 doesn't mean anything in this
 			   context).  Thus space is saved. */
 			runCnt += (runPos << nextSym); /* +runPos if RUNA; +2*runPos if RUNB */
-			if (runPos < dbufSize) runPos <<= 1;
+//The 32-bit overflow of runCnt wasn't yet seen, but probably can happen.
+//This would be the fix (catches too large count way before it can overflow):
+//			if (runCnt > bd->dbufSize) {
+//				dbg("runCnt:%u > dbufSize:%u RETVAL_DATA_ERROR",
+//						runCnt, bd->dbufSize);
+//				return RETVAL_DATA_ERROR;
+//			}
+			if (runPos < bd->dbufSize) runPos <<= 1;
 			goto end_of_huffman_loop;
@@ -445,14 +452,15 @@ static int get_next_block(bunzip_data *bd)
 		   literal used is the one at the head of the mtfSymbol array.) */
 		if (runPos != 0) {
 			uint8_t tmp_byte;
-			if (dbufCount + runCnt > dbufSize) {
-				dbg("dbufCount:%d+runCnt:%d %d > dbufSize:%d RETVAL_DATA_ERROR",
-						dbufCount, runCnt, dbufCount + runCnt, dbufSize);
+			if (dbufCount + runCnt > bd->dbufSize) {
+				dbg("dbufCount:%u+runCnt:%u %u > dbufSize:%u RETVAL_DATA_ERROR",
+						dbufCount, runCnt, dbufCount + runCnt, bd->dbufSize);
 				return RETVAL_DATA_ERROR;
 			tmp_byte = symToByte[mtfSymbol[0]];
 			byteCount[tmp_byte] += runCnt;
-			while (--runCnt >= 0) dbuf[dbufCount++] = (uint32_t)tmp_byte;
+			while ((int)--runCnt >= 0)
+				dbuf[dbufCount++] = (uint32_t)tmp_byte;
 			runPos = 0;
@@ -466,7 +474,7 @@ static int get_next_block(bunzip_data *bd)
 		   first symbol in the mtf array, position 0, would have been handled
 		   as part of a run above.  Therefore 1 unused mtf position minus
 		   2 non-literal nextSym values equals -1.) */
-		if (dbufCount >= dbufSize) return RETVAL_DATA_ERROR;
+		if (dbufCount >= bd->dbufSize) return RETVAL_DATA_ERROR;
 		i = nextSym - 1;
 		uc = mtfSymbol[i];

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