[BusyBox 0003664]: The 'ip' command fails listing multiple routing tables
bugs at busybox.net
bugs at busybox.net
Sun Jun 8 00:26:13 UTC 2008
The following issue has been CLOSED
Reported By: jorcol
Assigned To: BusyBox
Project: BusyBox
Issue ID: 3664
Category: Documentation
Reproducibility: always
Severity: minor
Priority: normal
Status: closed
Resolution: open
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 06-05-2008 07:13 PDT
Last Modified: 06-07-2008 17:26 PDT
Summary: The 'ip' command fails listing multiple routing
The "ip route list table <tableID>" command fails with an invalid argument
However, "ip route add" and "ip route del" work fine with any table ID.
I have attached a small patch to version 10.2 that solves this. All it
does is call the "rtnl_rttable_a2n" function just like the 'add' and 'del'
commands do.
vda - 06-07-08 17:26
Applied as rev. 22268. Thanks.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
06-05-08 07:13 jorcol New Issue
06-05-08 07:13 jorcol Status new => assigned
06-05-08 07:13 jorcol Assigned To => BusyBox
06-05-08 07:13 jorcol File Added: patch-busybox-1.10.2-ip-route-list
06-05-08 07:15 jorcol Issue Monitored: jorcol
06-07-08 17:26 vda Status assigned => closed
06-07-08 17:26 vda Note Added: 0008134
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