[BusyBox-cvs] CVS busybox/editors
CVS User landley
landley at codepoet.org
Sat Oct 30 06:54:20 UTC 2004
Update of /var/cvs/busybox/editors
In directory nail:/tmp/cvs-serv29244/busybox/editors
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Hiroshi Ito found some bugs. The 'c' command (cut and paste) was hardwired
to not put a newline at the end (which was backwards, it should have been
hardwired _to_ put a newline at the end, whether or not the input line
ended with a newline). Test case for that:
echo | sed -e '$ctest'
And then this would segfault:
echo | sed -e 'g'
Because pattern_space got freed but the dead pointer was only overwritten
in an if statement that didn't trigger if the hold space was empty. Oops.
While debugging it, I found out that the hold space is persistent between
multiple input files, so I promoted it to a global and added it to the
memory cleanup. The relevant test case (to compare with That Other Sed) is:
echo -n woo > woo
sed -e h -e g woo
echo "fish" | sed -e '/woo/h' -e "izap" -e 's/woo/thingy/' -e '/fish/g' woo -
And somebody gratuitously stuck in a c99 int8_t type for something that's just
a flag, so I grouped the darn ints.
--- /var/cvs/busybox/editors/sed.c 2004/05/26 10:03:33 1.170
+++ /var/cvs/busybox/editors/sed.c 2004/10/30 06:54:19 1.171
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
/* globals */
/* options */
-static int be_quiet = 0, in_place=0, regex_type=0;
+static int be_quiet, in_place, regex_type;
FILE *nonstdout;
-char *outname;
+char *outname,*hold_space;
static const char bad_format_in_subst[] =
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
const char *const semicolon_whitespace = "; \n\r\t\v";
regmatch_t regmatch[10];
-static regex_t *previous_regex_ptr = NULL;
+static regex_t *previous_regex_ptr;
/* linked list of sed commands */
static sed_cmd_t sed_cmd_head;
@@ -169,6 +169,8 @@
sed_cmd = sed_cmd_next;
+ if(hold_space) free(hold_space);
@@ -757,7 +759,7 @@
static void process_file(FILE *file)
- char *pattern_space, *next_line, *hold_space=NULL;
+ char *pattern_space, *next_line;
static int linenum = 0, missing_newline=0;
int no_newline,next_no_newline=0;
@@ -908,7 +910,7 @@
/* Cut and paste text (replace) */
case 'c':
/* Only triggers on last line of a matching range. */
- if (!sed_cmd->in_match) sed_puts(sed_cmd->string,1);
+ if (!sed_cmd->in_match) sed_puts(sed_cmd->string,0);
goto discard_line;
/* Read file, append contents to output */
@@ -1007,10 +1009,7 @@
case 'g': /* Replace pattern space with hold space */
- if (hold_space) {
- pattern_space = strdup(hold_space);
- no_newline=0;
- }
+ pattern_space = strdup(hold_space ? hold_space : "");
case 'G': /* Append newline and hold space to pattern space */
@@ -1096,9 +1095,7 @@
extern int sed_main(int argc, char **argv)
- int status = EXIT_SUCCESS;
- int opt;
- uint8_t getpat = 1;
+ int status = EXIT_SUCCESS, opt, getpat = 1;
/* destroy command strings on exit */
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