is ARMv4T deprecated?

Sergiy Kibrik sakib at
Sun Apr 5 19:30:30 UTC 2015

hi All,
Recently I've been trying to use uClibc for quite old arm920t-based
board. Some busybox applications (like shell, mount, hostname, wget)
would get killed with SIGILL. I managed to debug it down to leaving
memcpy() routine, namely to the following code from

	push	{r0, lr}
	bl	_memcpy

POP_RET defined as pop {r2, pc} in [1]. On armv4t is just won't switch
CPU back to arm mode, so in my case it seems to be jumping to calling
arm routine while still being in thumb mode.

I'm not sure if this is the case, but I've also found couple of comments
in code:

stating that some parts aren't even supposed to work on armv4t.
Has armv4t been deprecated for good (I use master branch currently)?


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