[PATCH 2/8] test/math: Add missing libm-test-ulps-* files

Bernhard Reutner-Fischer rep.dot.nop at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 21:36:05 UTC 2014

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 05:47:37PM +0530, Vineet Gupta wrote:
> On Tuesday 18 February 2014 01:23 PM, Bernhard Reutner-Fischer wrote:

> And what about the architectures not ported to glibc and hence don't have a
> libm-test-ulps-* yet.
> Is there a way to start off with a stub, touching an empty file doesnt seem to work.

I don't know. Let's see:
Read glibc/math/README.libm-test. So in uClibc:
(obviously make sure to enable XSI and C99 _MATH in your .config)
make install_dir;# or realclean all install_dir
cd test/math
make compile
# mhm, let's build the generators manually..
make V=2 test-double
vi libm-tests.c, look for argv handling;
# remember what the readme told us:
rm -f *ULPs*
# on the target, just one as an example:
for i in double;do ./test-$i -i yes -u ;mv ULPs ULPs-$i;done
# above should not spit out too many errors, ideally. Check your impl otherwise
# back on the build
for i in double;do ./gen-libm-test.pl -u ULPs-$i -n;mv NewUlps NewUlps-$i;done
cat NewUlps-* > libm-test-ulps-arc
rm -f *ULPs* *Ulps* ;# cleanup

Do plausibility checks on ALL the gathered data, fix, goto start.

I guess you get the idea.
Does that help?

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