init: cannot load, kernel panic:trying to kill init

Mahanteshwari Hiremath Mahanteshwari.Hiremath at
Mon Oct 24 05:51:12 UTC 2011

here is the output of
>./i586-linux-gcc -o hello test.c -static
> readelf -a hello

ELF Header:
  Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  Class:                             ELF32
  Data:                              2's complement, little endian
  Version:                           1 (current)
  OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
  ABI Version:                       0
  Type:                              EXEC (Executable file)
  Machine:                           Intel 80386
  Version:                           0x1
  Entry point address:               0x80480d0
  Start of program headers:          52 (bytes into file)
  Start of section headers:          9576 (bytes into file)
  Flags:                             0x0
  Size of this header:               52 (bytes)
  Size of program headers:           32 (bytes)
  Number of program headers:         4
  Size of section headers:           40 (bytes)
  Number of section headers:         23
  Section header string table index: 20

Section Headers:
  [Nr] Name              Type            Addr     Off    Size   ES Flg Lk Inf Al
  [ 0]                   NULL            00000000 000000 000000 00      0   0  0
  [ 1] .init             PROGBITS        080480b4 0000b4 00001c 00  AX  0   0  1
  [ 2] .text             PROGBITS        080480d0 0000d0 0019c0 00  AX  0   0 16
  [ 3] .fini             PROGBITS        08049a90 001a90 000017 00  AX  0   0  1
  [ 4] .rodata           PROGBITS        08049aa8 001aa8 000087 00   A  0   0  4
  [ 5] .eh_frame         PROGBITS        08049b30 001b30 000220 00   A  0   0  4
  [ 6] .tbss             NOBITS          0804a000 002000 000008 00 WAT  0   0  4
  [ 7] .ctors            PROGBITS        0804a000 002000 000008 00  WA  0   0  4
  [ 8] .dtors            PROGBITS        0804a008 002008 000008 00  WA  0   0  4
  [ 9] .jcr              PROGBITS        0804a010 002010 000004 00  WA  0   0  4
  [10] .got              PROGBITS        0804a014 002014 000058 04  WA  0   0  4
  [11] .got.plt          PROGBITS        0804a06c 00206c 00000c 04  WA  0   0  4
  [12] .data             PROGBITS        0804a078 002078 000158 00  WA  0   0  4
  [13] .bss              NOBITS          0804a1d0 0021d0 0025c4 00  WA  0   0  4
  [14] .comment          PROGBITS        00000000 0021d0 00001f 01  MS  0   0  1
  [15] .debug_aranges    PROGBITS        00000000 0021f0 000060 00      0   0  8
  [16] .debug_info       PROGBITS        00000000 002250 000112 00      0   0  1
  [17] .debug_abbrev     PROGBITS        00000000 002362 000024 00      0   0  1
  [18] .debug_line       PROGBITS        00000000 002386 0000ce 00      0   0  1
  [19] .debug_ranges     PROGBITS        00000000 002458 000050 00      0   0  8
  [20] .shstrtab         STRTAB          00000000 0024a8 0000bd 00      0   0  1
  [21] .symtab           SYMTAB          00000000 002900 001190 10     22  86  4
  [22] .strtab           STRTAB          00000000 003a90 000df9 00      0   0  1
Key to Flags:
  W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings)
  I (info), L (link order), G (group), x (unknown)
  O (extra OS processing required) o (OS specific), p (processor specific)

There are no section groups in this file.

Program Headers:
  Type           Offset   VirtAddr   PhysAddr   FileSiz MemSiz  Flg Align
  LOAD           0x000000 0x08048000 0x08048000 0x01d50 0x01d50 R E 0x1000
  LOAD           0x002000 0x0804a000 0x0804a000 0x001d0 0x02794 RW  0x1000
  TLS            0x002000 0x0804a000 0x0804a000 0x00000 0x00008 R   0x4
  GNU_STACK      0x000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000 0x00000 RW  0x4

 Section to Segment mapping:
  Segment Sections...
   00     .init .text .fini .rodata .eh_frame
   01     .ctors .dtors .jcr .got .got.plt .data .bss
   02     .tbss

There is no dynamic section in this file.

There are no relocations in this file.

There are no unwind sections in this file.

Symbol table '.symtab' contains 281 entries:
   Num:    Value  Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     0: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND
     1: 080480b4     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    1
     2: 080480d0     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    2
     3: 08049a90     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    3
     4: 08049aa8     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    4
     5: 08049b30     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    5
     6: 0804a000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    6
     7: 0804a000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    7
     8: 0804a008     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    8
     9: 0804a010     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    9
    10: 0804a014     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   10
    11: 0804a06c     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   11
    12: 0804a078     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   12
    13: 0804a1d0     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   13
    14: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   14
    15: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   15
    16: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   16
    17: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   17
    18: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   18
    19: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   19
    20: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS crtstuff.c
    21: 0804a000     0 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    7 __CTOR_LIST__
    22: 0804a008     0 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    8 __DTOR_LIST__
    23: 08049b30     0 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    5 __EH_FRAME_BEGIN__
    24: 0804a010     0 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    9 __JCR_LIST__
    25: 080480f8     0 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT    2 __do_global_dtors_aux
    26: 0804a1d0     1 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT   13 completed.5121
    27: 0804a1d4     4 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT   13 dtor_idx.5123
    28: 08048155     0 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT    2 frame_dummy
    29: 0804a1d8    24 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT   13 object.5143
    30: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS crtstuff.c
    31: 0804a004     0 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    7 __CTOR_END__
    32: 08049d4c     0 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    5 __FRAME_END__
    33: 0804a010     0 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    9 __JCR_END__
    34: 08049a70     0 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT    2 __do_global_ctors_aux
    35: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS initfini.c
    36: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS test.c
    37: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS puts.c
    38: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS _stdio.c
    39: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS _wcommit.c
    40: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS _cs_funcs.c
    41: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS fputc_unlocked.c
    42: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS fputs_unlocked.c
    43: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS fwrite_unlocked.c
    44: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS strlen.c
    45: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS isatty.c
    46: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS tcgetattr.c
    47: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS libc-cancellation.c
    48: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS __uClibc_main.c
    49: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS getegid.c
    50: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS geteuid.c
    51: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS getgid.c
    52: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS getuid.c
    53: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS ioctl.c
    54: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS __syscall_fcntl.c
    55: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS llseek.c
    56: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS errno.c
    57: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS _WRITE.c
    58: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS _fwrite.c
    59: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS _trans2w.c
    60: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS memcpy.c
    61: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS strrchr.c
    62: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS memrchr.c
    63: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS abort.c
    64: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS exit.c
    65: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS raise.c
    66: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS libc-tls.c
    67: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS dl-support.c
    68: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS sigaction.c
    69: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS _exit.c
    70: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS sbrk.c
    71: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS sigprocmask.c
    72: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS __syscall_rt_sigaction.c
    73: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS fseeko.c
    74: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS fseeko64.c
    75: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS _adjust_pos.c
    76: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS memset.c
    77: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS mempcpy.c
    78: 00000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS brk.c
    79: 0804a000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT    6 __fini_array_end
    80: 0804a000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT    6 __fini_array_start
    81: 0804a000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT    6 __init_array_end
    82: 0804a000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT    6 __preinit_array_end
    83: 0804a06c     0 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT   11 _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
    84: 0804a000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT    6 __init_array_start
    85: 0804a000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT    6 __preinit_array_start
    86: 080486f5     4 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2
    87: 0804962f    92 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __libc_sigaction
    88: 08048c2c   139 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 ioctl
    89: 0804a208     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _stdio_openlist_use_count
    90: 0804968b    62 FUNC    WEAK   HIDDEN    2 __GI_sigaction
    91: 08048c1c     8 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 getgid
    92: 0804a084     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   12 stdout
    93: 0804845c   153 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 putc_unlocked
    94: 080488c2    72 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI___uClibc_fini
    95: 08048898     3 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 __pthread_mutex_lock
    96: 080488c2    72 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __uClibc_fini
    97: 08049088    29 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 memrchr
    98: 08048c14     8 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 geteuid
    99: 0804c210     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 __libc_stack_end
   100: 08048d26   153 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __libc_fcntl
   101: 08048700   112 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 __write
   102: 00000000     4 TLS     GLOBAL DEFAULT    6 errno
   103: 08048c0c     8 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 getegid
   104: 0804971c    79 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_sbrk
   105: 08048946    68 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI___uClibc_init
   106: 00000004     4 TLS     GLOBAL HIDDEN    6 __libc_h_errno
   107: 08048dc0   119 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_lseek64
   108: 08048770   112 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 __read
   109: 0804c76c     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _dl_tls_static_used
   110: 08049048    35 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 memcpy
   111: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   HIDDEN  UND _locale_init
   112: 080484f8    41 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_fputs_unlocked
   113: 0804925a    29 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI___open_nocancel
   114: 0804a00c     0 OBJECT  GLOBAL HIDDEN    8 __DTOR_END__
   115: 080481d8   157 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 puts
   116: 0804889b     3 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 __pthread_mutex_init
   117: 08048c24     8 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 getuid
   118: 08049250   112 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 __open
   119: 080485b8    27 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 isatty
   120: 08048770   112 FUNC    WEAK   HIDDEN    2 __GI_read
   121: 0804870a    29 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI___write_nocancel
   122: 0804a07c     0 OBJECT  GLOBAL HIDDEN   12 __dso_handle
   123: 08048404    15 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 _cs_close
   124: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND __nptl_deallocate_tsd
   125: 080495d9    68 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 _dl_nothread_init_static_
   126: 080488b0    18 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 _pthread_cleanup_pop_rest
   127: 08048d26   153 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI___libc_fcntl
   128: 080499e4    46 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_memset
   129: 08049a14    30 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 mempcpy
   130: 08048700   112 FUNC    WEAK   HIDDEN    2 __GI_write
   131: 08048770   112 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __libc_read
   132: 080487e0    90 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __libc_disable_asynccance
   133: 08049250   112 FUNC    WEAK   HIDDEN    2 __GI_open
   134: 0804c770     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _dl_tls_static_align
   135: 080485d4    96 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_tcgetattr
   136: 0804c214     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 __environ
   137: 080496cc    78 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 _Exit
   138: 0804c774     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _dl_tls_max_dtv_idx
   139: 080490a8   204 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 abort
   140: 08048d26   153 FUNC    WEAK   HIDDEN    2 __GI_fcntl
   141: 08048524   126 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_fwrite_unlocked
   142: 08048c1c     8 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_getgid
   143: 0804925a    29 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __open_nocancel
   144: 080480b4     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 _init
   145: 08048770   112 FUNC    WEAK   HIDDEN    2 __GI___read
   146: 08049a14    30 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_mempcpy
   147: 0804906c    26 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 strrchr
   148: 00000004     4 TLS     GLOBAL DEFAULT    6 h_errno
   149: 08048898     3 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 __pthread_mutex_unlock
   150: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND __register_frame_info_bas
   151: 08049174    98 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_exit
   152: 0804c21c     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL HIDDEN   13 __app_fini
   153: 0804c228     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL HIDDEN   13 __exit_cleanup
   154: 0804906c    26 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 rindex
   155: 08048700   112 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 write
   156: 0804c214     4 OBJECT  WEAK   DEFAULT   13 environ
   157: 08048690   101 FUNC    WEAK   HIDDEN    2 __GI_close
   158: 080484f8    41 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 fputs_unlocked
   159: 08048898     3 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 __pthread_mutex_trylock
   160: 08049a34    60 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_brk
   161: 0804c778     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _dl_tls_static_size
   162: 0804a08c     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   12 _stdio_openlist
   163: 0804976c    70 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_sigprocmask
   164: 080497fc    24 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_fseek
   165: 08048700   112 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI___libc_write
   166: 080497fc    24 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 fseeko
   167: 0804a20c     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _stdio_openlist_del_count
   168: 080497fc    24 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 fseek
   169: 08049250   112 FUNC    WEAK   HIDDEN    2 __GI___open
   170: 0804877a    29 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __read_nocancel
   171: 08049597    29 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 __pthread_initialize_mini
   172: 0804a080     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   12 stdin
   173: 080485b8    27 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_isatty
   174: 0804c77c     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _dl_tls_dtv_slotinfo_list
   175: 0804a194     4 OBJECT  WEAK   DEFAULT   12 __progname
   176: 080480d0    34 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 _start
   177: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND __deregister_frame_info_b
   178: 0804877a    29 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI___read_nocancel
   179: 08048c2c   139 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_ioctl
   180: 00000000     4 TLS     GLOBAL HIDDEN    6 __libc_errno
   181: 08048770   112 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 read
   182: 08049048    35 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_memcpy
   183: 0804a090     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   12 _stdio_user_locking
   184: 08048690   101 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI___libc_close
   185: 0804a194     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   12 program_invocation_short_
   186: 0804c780     1 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _dl_tls_dtv_gaps
   187: 0804845c   153 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI___fputc_unlocked
   188: 08049930   180 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __stdio_adjust_position
   189: 08048cb8   110 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI___fcntl_nocancel
   190: 0804968b    62 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 sigaction
   191: 0804c78c     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _dl_phdr
   192: 08048946    68 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __uClibc_init
   193: 0804a190     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL HIDDEN   12 __uclibc_progname
   194: 08048c0c     8 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_getegid
   195: 0804898a   605 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __uClibc_main
   196: 0804971c    79 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 sbrk
   197: 0804c220     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL HIDDEN   13 __rtld_fini
   198: 08048690   101 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __libc_close
   199: 0804889e    18 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 _pthread_cleanup_push_def
   200: 0804a1d0     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS __bss_start
   201: 08049250   112 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __libc_open
   202: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND __pthread_unwind
   203: 080499e4    46 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 memset
   204: 080481a8    46 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 main
   205: 08048eb4   249 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __stdio_fwrite
   206: 080492c0   105 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 _dl_tls_setup
   207: 0804c784     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _dl_tls_generation
   208: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND __nptl_nthreads
   209: 080497b4    69 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __syscall_rt_sigaction
   210: 080485d4    96 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 tcgetattr
   211: 080490a8   204 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_abort
   212: 08048700   112 FUNC    WEAK   HIDDEN    2 __GI___write
   213: 0804869a    23 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI___close_nocancel
   214: 08048413    41 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 _cs_seek
   215: 080496cc    78 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI__exit
   216: 0804906c    26 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_strrchr
   217: 0804a078     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT   12 data_start
   218: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND __h_errno_location
   219: 0804845c   153 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_putc_unlocked
   220: 0804883a    91 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __libc_enable_asynccancel
   221: 08049a90     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    3 _fini
   222: 0804870a    29 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __write_nocancel
   223: 080480f4     0 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __get_pc_thunk_bx
   224: 080482d9   259 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 _stdio_term
   225: 0804a088     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   12 stderr
   226: 0804844b    15 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 _cs_read
   227: 08049329   622 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __libc_setup_tls
   228: 0804869a    23 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __close_nocancel
   229: 0804a1cc     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   12 _dl_init_static_tls
   230: 0804a1b4    24 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   12 __atexit_lock
   231: 08048cb8   110 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __fcntl_nocancel
   232: 08049814   261 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_fseeko64
   233: 0804c788     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _dl_tls_static_nelem
   234: 080483dc    37 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __stdio_wcommit
   235: 08048524   126 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 fwrite_unlocked
   236: 0804c218     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 __pagesize
   237: 0804a1f0    12 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _stdio_openlist_add_lock
   238: 08048690   101 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 __close
   239: 0804a1d0     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS _edata
   240: 08048690   101 FUNC    WEAK   HIDDEN    2 __GI___close
   241: 08049088    29 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_memrchr
   242: 0804c794     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS _end
   243: 0804845c   153 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_fputc_unlocked
   244: 0804843c    15 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 _cs_write
   245: 0804968b    62 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __sigaction
   246: 0804c768     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL HIDDEN   13 __curbrk
   247: 0804c790     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _dl_phnum
   248: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND __errno_location
   249: 08049250   112 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI___libc_open
   250: 08049174    98 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 exit
   251: 08048e38   123 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __stdio_WRITE
   252: 0804828c    77 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 _stdio_init
   253: 08048c14     8 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_geteuid
   254: 08049a34    60 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 brk
   255: 080495b4    37 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 _dl_aux_init
   256: 0804a1fc    12 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 _stdio_openlist_del_lock
   257: 08048be8    34 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 _setjmp
   258: 080496cc    78 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 _exit
   259: 08048640    40 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __lll_lock_wait_private
   260: 080485a4    19 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 strlen
   261: 08048dc0   119 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 lseek64
   262: 08049250   112 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 open
   263: 0804a198     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   12 program_invocation_name
   264: 08048700   112 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __libc_write
   265: 08048c24     8 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_getuid
   266: 08048fb0   149 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __stdio_trans2w_o
   267: 080491d8   116 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_raise
   268: 0804a078     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT   12 __data_start
   269: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND _Jv_RegisterClasses
   270: 08048770   112 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI___libc_read
   271: 0804845c   153 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 fputc_unlocked
   272: 08048d26   153 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 fcntl
   273: 08049814   261 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 fseeko64
   274: 08048690   101 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 close
   275: 080485a4    19 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __GI_strlen
   276: 0804a198     4 OBJECT  WEAK   DEFAULT   12 __progname_full
   277: 08048670    32 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    2 __lll_unlock_wake_private
   278: 080491d8   116 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 raise
   279: 0804976c    70 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 sigprocmask
   280: 0804845c   153 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 __fputc_unlocked

No version information found in this file.

Mahanteshwari Hiremath.

From: WANG.Jiong [wong.kwongyuan at]
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 11:13 AM
To: Mahanteshwari Hiremath
Cc: Rob Landley; uclibc at
Subject: Re: init: cannot load, kernel panic:trying to kill init

Hi Mahanteshwari:

  I think your kernel is OK, because it has run to init, that is your
kernel has finished boot up and try to init the first userspace process.

  as Rob has suggested, could you please attach the results

   readelf -a hello

  hello is just a simple helloworld compiled by your toolchain


On 10/24/2011 12:45 PM, Mahanteshwari Hiremath wrote:
> Hi Rob,
>             the generated binaries are successfully running on my linux desktop machine, as Mr.Wang Jiong said to use '-static' accordingly every uclibc commands are working and I am able to complile my programs also.
> BUT THE PROBLEM HERE IS , ROOTFS generated by build root(rootfs.ext2).
> hey I am doing Linux Board bringing up project where in I am using the ROOTFS generated by buildroot, and while bootng it gives error msg saying,
>> /sbin/init:can't load
>> kernel panic: trying to kill init
> I see all necessary library file present in RFS /lib of buildroot
> and below is what /lib contents(buildroot RFS),
> drwxr-xr-x 28 root root   4096 2011-10-19 16:48 firmware
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  25192 2011-10-21 15:08
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     19 2011-10-21 15:08 ->
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   8796 2011-10-21 15:08
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     18 2011-10-21 15:08 ->
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     19 2011-10-21 15:08 ->
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   8944 2011-10-21 15:08
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     15 2011-10-21 15:08 ->
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  41664 2011-10-21 15:08
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     14 2011-10-21 15:08 ->
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   4592 2011-10-21 15:08
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     16 2011-10-21 15:08 ->
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  62940 2011-10-21 15:08
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     20 2011-10-21 15:08 ->
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   4592 2011-10-21 15:08
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     19 2011-10-21 15:08 ->
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  13096 2011-10-21 15:08
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     15 2011-10-21 15:08 ->
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 314384 2011-10-21 15:08
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   4656 2011-10-21 15:08
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     17 2011-10-21 15:08 ->
> drwxr-xr-x  3 root root   4096 2011-10-19 16:46 modules
> and in /usr/lib I ahve put all linker libraries,
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root     804 2011-10-21 15:08 crt1.o
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    2024 2011-10-21 15:08 crti.o
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    1828 2011-10-21 15:08 crtn.o
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1278948 2011-10-21 15:08 libc.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       6 2011-10-21 15:08 libc_pic.a -> libc.a
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   14286 2011-10-21 15:08 libcrypt.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      10 2011-10-21 15:08 libcrypt_pic.a -> libcrypt.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      23 2011-10-21 15:08 -> ../../lib/
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root     276 2011-10-21 15:08
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   22454 2011-10-21 15:08 libdl.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       7 2011-10-21 15:08 libdl_pic.a -> libdl.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      20 2011-10-21 15:08 -> ../../lib/
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  205280 2011-10-21 15:08 libm.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       6 2011-10-21 15:08 libm_pic.a -> libm.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      19 2011-10-21 15:08 -> ../../lib/
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root     908 2011-10-21 15:08 libnsl.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       8 2011-10-21 15:08 libnsl_pic.a -> libnsl.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      21 2011-10-21 15:08 -> ../../lib/
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  224086 2011-10-21 15:08 libpthread.a
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    1164 2011-10-21 15:08 libpthread_nonshared.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      22 2011-10-21 15:08 libpthread_nonshared_pic.a -> libpthread_nonshared.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      12 2011-10-21 15:08 libpthread_pic.a -> libpthread.a
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root     189 2011-10-21 15:08
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root     914 2011-10-21 15:08 libresolv.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      11 2011-10-21 15:08 libresolv_pic.a -> libresolv.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      24 2011-10-21 15:08 -> ../../lib/
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   28020 2011-10-21 15:08 librt.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       7 2011-10-21 15:08 librt_pic.a -> librt.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      20 2011-10-21 15:08 -> ../../lib/
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    7476 2011-10-21 15:08 libutil.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       9 2011-10-21 15:08 libutil_pic.a -> libutil.a
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      22 2011-10-21 15:08 -> ../../lib/
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root     868 2011-10-21 15:08 Scrt1.o
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root     988 2011-10-21 15:08 uclibc_nonshared.a
> I feel, now you understood my problem.
> Kindly give some ideas, so I can bring up my Kernel.
> Regards,
> Mahanteshwari Hiremath.
> ________________________________________
> From: Rob Landley [rob at]
> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 10:51 PM
> To: Mahanteshwari Hiremath
> Cc: WANG.Jiong; uclibc at
> Subject: Re: init: cannot load, kernel panic:trying to kill init
> On 10/21/2011 05:02 AM, Mahanteshwari Hiremath wrote:
>> Hi WANG.Jiong,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> It really helped me to run standalone application on my linux machine.
>> Problem what I am facing is with the x86 board, which is failing to boot.
>> I have used rootfs generated from buildroot along with toolchains which gives the following error during boot :
>>  >/sbin/init:can't load
>>  >kernel panic: trying to kill init
>> Please help me out in solving the issue. Im not even able to do anything as it is showing kernel panic.
> Run uClibc's ldd against your binary.  (Note that glibc's won't work
> against uClibc, but uClibc's will work against glibc.  Which is better
> is left as an exercise for the reader.)
> If you haven't got uClibc's ldd, run readelf -a against it and grep for
> the word "interpreter".
> Rob
> Larsen & Toubro Limited
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