Trying to cross compile with uClibc, no sucess!

Rob Landley rob at
Sat May 8 22:04:22 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 04 May 2010 09:00:13 Takaite Takehara wrote:
>    Hi guys;
>    I'm quite sure that somebody already ask this, but I could not find in
>    the mail list search.
>    I'll work with a MIPS platform and want to use uClibc. To improve my
>    development, I want to test in my PC and then cross-compile to MIPS and
>    test again.

I've got prebuilt binary cross compilers and system images here:

That includes got tarballs there supporting i686, x86_64, and mips targets.

The cross-compiler tarballs are statically linked to run on i686 hosts (which 
includes x86-64).  They even support uClibc++, so you can build c++ stuff if 
you like.

The system-image tarballs provide virtual development systems you boot under 
QEMU to do native development within.  (Obviously, you need to install QEMU to 
do that.)   Extract that and run the ./ script in there to boot 
a virtual Linux system.

The ./ script is a wrapper around that sets 
up a more full-featured development environment.  For one thing, it creates a 
2 gigabyte /dev/hdb image mounted on /home inside the emulator, so you have 
plenty of writeable scratch space to build in.  For another, if you install 
distccd on your host and add the appropraite cross compiler's /bin 
subdirectory to your host's $PATH, detects this and will 
automatically configure the emulated target system to call out to that cross 
compiler via distcc.  (This speeds up your builds but still avoids having to 
think about cross compiling in your build.  It acts fully native, it just 
builds about 7 times faster.)

Latency is more important than throughput. It's that simple. - Linus Torvalds

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