Trying to cross compile with uClibc, no sucess!

Takaite Takehara takaite at
Tue May 4 14:00:13 UTC 2010

   Hi guys;
   I'm quite sure that somebody already ask this, but I could not find in
   the mail list search.
   I'll work with a MIPS platform and want to use uClibc. To improve my
   development, I want to test in my PC and then cross-compile to MIPS and
   test again.
   Using the GLib every thing goes ok (a "Hello Word" program). When I
   build with the toolchain for x86 everything goes ok but when I try to
   run the application I got de message
   takaite at takaite-virtualbox:~/embedded/312S01 - Firmware Media
   Gateway/editor/312S01/dist/Debug/i586-linux-uClibc-Linux-x86$ ./312s01
   bash: ./312s01: No such file or directory
   What I'm doing wrong? I tried the compiled packet x86 from
   and with a compiled version made by me my using buildroot!
   Somebody can help me?
   Best regards

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