uclibc timezone list

Henrik Eriksson henrik.eriksson at axis.com
Tue Apr 6 10:42:24 UTC 2010

Mark Jackson wrote on 01 April 2010 14:29:
> Erwin Steffens | Cross Point wrote:
>> Are there lists available with all the countries and timezones and
>> the posix timezone strings that need to be set for this timezone ?
> The simplest of searches using Google ...
> "list of countries and timezones"
> ... shows up Wikipedia and
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones

I might be missing something but this only lists the fairly trivial
normal and DST time offsets.  The posix timezone strings are a bit
more complicated as they encode normal time offset, dst offset, dst
switching rule and zone names for normal time and dst.

Unfortunately I don't know of a resource that provides a complete
set of posix timezone strings for all zones.  Also note that some
zones are as far as I know impossible to code as TZ strings due to
irregular dst rules.



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