Buildroot BUG

IGOR LURI iluri at
Thu Sep 1 13:52:17 UTC 2005

Hi all.

I think I have found a bug in the uclibc buildroot system.

I have an Icecube (powerpc 5200) evaluation board and I have built buildroot with different versions of GCC, 3.3.6, 3.4.3, 3.4.4 and 4.0.0, and with thouse versions I can´t link properly u-boot, it seems that GCC doesn´t understand linker scripts well. The following lines shows a few linker scripts sections:
					.data    :
					  _edata  =  .;
					  PROVIDE (edata = .);

					  __u_boot_cmd_start = .;
					  .u_boot_cmd : { *(.u_boot_cmd) }
					  __u_boot_cmd_end = .;

This is after building u-boot:

					                0xfff31c9c                _edata = .
					                0xfff31c9c                PROVIDE (edata, .)
					                0xfff31c9c                __u_boot_cmd_start = .
					                0xfff31c9c                . = ALIGN (0x1)
					                0xfff31c9c                __start_smartdmaInitData = .

					                0xfff31c9c        0x0
					                0xfff31c9c                __stop_smartdmaInitData = .
					                0xfff31e00                . = ALIGN (0x200)
					                0xfff31e00                __start_smartdmaTaskTable = .
					 .u_boot_cmd    0xfff32ad4       0x18 common/libcommon.a(cmd_autoscript.o)
					                0xfff32ad4                __u_boot_cmd_autoscr
					 .u_boot_cmd    0xfff32aec       0x18 common/libcommon.a(cmd_bdinfo.o)

As it can see, __u_boot_cmd_start simbol is out from section u_boot_cmd. __u_boot_cmd_start address points an array of commands, but in this address doesn´t exist an array. Because of this reason u-boot doesn´t boot on may board.

Is this a buildroot BUG?
Have I a buildroot bad configuration ?

Thanks in advance.

Igor Luri Bravo
Tecnico I+D Software
Fagor Automation S. Coop.
P. O. Box 144
E-20500 Mondragón-Arrasate
Tel. ++34 943 71 92 00 - ++34 943 03 98 00
Fax. ++34 943 79 17 12

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