[uClibc]Problem when I try to print fp numbers with fprintf

Jon Loeliger jdl at vivato.net
Thu May 29 23:15:00 UTC 2003

> >
> > How do I use the old printf?
> In your uClibc/.config file set the USE_OLD_VFPRINTF option.
> This is most easily done by using 'make menuconfig'

Hmmm... That just seems too, how-do-you-say-it?, easy.  :-)

> > I'm also about to instrument each place in the kernel where it
> > issues a SIGSEGV to identify the exact point of failure.

So, I did just that, and it appears like the SIGSEGV doesn't
come from the kernel!  I can see do_signal() delivering the
bad boy, but I don't yet know where it came from...

> > latest theory being that the library contains an un-supported
> > or non-emulated instruction, perhaps...
> That is certainly possible...  Tried doing an objdump -d
> and grepping the disassembly for any mips floating point
> opcodes?

Oh, yeah, there are a bunch of them:
    lwc1, mtc1, sub.d, cvt.d, c.eq.d, mul.d

But that's OK, right, because we have the Algorithmics FPU
emulation code in the kernel to support all of those...


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