[uClibc]toolchain problem

Felix Domke tmbinc at elitedvb.net
Sun May 4 21:56:47 UTC 2003

Erik Andersen wrote:

>Have you tried building uClibc with constructor and destructor
>support disabled?  i.e.  disabling UCLIBC_CTOR_DTOR?

i tried, yes. The resulting executable still crashes ("alignment exception")

i uploaded the generated exectuable to http://kuehlschrank.ath.cx/hello 
(and hello.gdb for the elf version). The elf version "looks good", but i 
just took a small look with IDA into it.

This time i didn't change ANYTHING to the building except the 
UCLIBC_CTOR_DTOR=n. So the binary is with hard-float. Does this matter? 
My testprogram does nothing more than "write(1, "hello world", ..)" (and 
the same thing with printf - i assume printf is not working since the 
clib isn't yet initialized?), so i don't USE float stuff.

compiler used is gcc 3.2.3, toolchain is build with the 
uclibc/toolchain/gcc-3.2.3-stuff. (current cvs, uclibc snapshot)

Or did i misunderstood you and the hint with disabling UCLIBC_CTOR_DTOR 
was to fix the soft/hard-float issue?


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