[git commit] buildsys: restructure

Bernhard Reutner-Fischer rep.dot.nop at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 20:22:49 UTC 2013

commit: http://git.uclibc.org/uClibc++/commit/?id=03028c2b51ca3bb0f44007800cba931608ddb2a4
branch: http://git.uclibc.org/uClibc++/commit/?id=refs/heads/master

Restructure the buildsys in order to add proper dependencies.
- no superfluous re-linking with 'make;make;'
- proper relinking with 'make CXX=g++-4.8.mine;make CXX=g++-4.7'

Signed-off-by: Bernhard Reutner-Fischer <rep.dot.nop at gmail.com>
 .gitignore                    |    1 +
 Makefile                      |   97 +--------
 Makefile.end                  |   44 ++++
 Makefile.in                   |  125 ++++++++++
 Rules.mak                     |  501 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 bin/Makefile                  |   55 +----
 bin/Makefile.in               |   65 ++++++
 extra/Configs/Config.in       |    2 +-
 extra/Makefile                |   32 +---
 extra/Makefile.in             |    3 +
 extra/config/Makefile         |   11 +-
 extra/config/menu.c           |    2 +-
 extra/locale/Makefile         |    6 +-
 include/Makefile              |   18 +-
 include/Makefile.in           |    7 +
 src/Makefile                  |   80 +------
 src/Makefile.in               |   54 +++++
 src/abi/libgcc_eh/Makefile    |   29 +--
 src/abi/libgcc_eh/Makefile.in |   24 ++
 src/abi/libsupc/Makefile      |   29 +--
 src/abi/libsupc/Makefile.in   |   24 ++
 tests/Makefile                |   69 +-----
 tests/Makefile.in             |   41 ++++
 tests/testoutput/Makefile     |   14 --
 tests/testoutput/Makefile.in  |    7 +
 25 files changed, 909 insertions(+), 431 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index d54adb4..ac2c9c4 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8cac4aa..f0c3346 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,90 +1,7 @@
-MAKE   ?= make
-SUBDIRS = bin include src
-# User defines:
-noconfig_targets := menuconfig config oldconfig silentoldconfig randconfig \
-	defconfig allyesconfig allnoconfig clean distclean \
-	release tags TAGS
-include $(TOPDIR)Rules.mak
-all: headers
-	for dir in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \
-		$(MAKE) -C $$dir all; \
-	done
-tests: all
-	$(MAKE) -C tests all
-check test: tests
-	$(MAKE) -C tests test
-	for dir in $(SUBDIRS) tests ; do \
-		$(MAKE) -C $$dir clean; \
-	done
-	#$(MAKE) -C extra/locale clean
-distclean: clean
-	$(MAKE) -C extra clean
-	$(RM) .config .config.cmd .config.old
-	$(RM) include/system_configuration.h
-	$(RM) ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar
-	git archive --format=tar --prefix=uClibc++-$(VERSION)/ HEAD \
-		> ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar
-	cat ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar | bzip2 -c9 > ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar.bz2
-	cat ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar | xz -e -c8 > ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar.xz
-	du -b ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar.{bz2,xz}
-headers: include/system_configuration.h
-	for dir in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \
-		$(MAKE) -C $$dir install; \
-	done
-#Menu configuration system
-	@$(MAKE) -C extra/config conf
-	@$(MAKE) -C extra/config ncurses mconf
-menuconfig: extra/config/mconf
-	@$< extra/Configs/Config.in
-config: extra/config/conf
-	@$< extra/Configs/Config.in
-oldconfig: extra/config/conf
-	@$< -o extra/Configs/Config.in
-silentoldconfig: extra/config/conf
-	@$< -s extra/Configs/Config.in
-randconfig: extra/config/conf
-	@$< -r extra/Configs/Config.in
-allyesconfig: extra/config/conf
-	@$< -y extra/Configs/Config.in
-allnoconfig: extra/config/conf
-	@$< -n extra/Configs/Config.in
-defconfig: extra/config/conf
-	@$< -d extra/Configs/Config.in
-include/system_configuration.h: .config
-	@if [ ! -x ./extra/config/conf ] ; then \
-		$(MAKE) -C extra/config conf; \
-	fi;
-	@extra/config/conf -o extra/Configs/Config.in
-	$(MAKE) defconfig
+top_builddir=$(if $(O),$(O),.)/
+export top_builddir
+include $(top_srcdir)Rules.mak
+include Makefile.in
+include $(top_srcdir)Makefile.end
diff --git a/Makefile.end b/Makefile.end
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87fc87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.end
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Rules.mak
+# vi: ft=make :
+# Copyright Garrett Kajmowicz, 2004-2006
+# Copyright (C) 2000 by Lineo, inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Erik Andersen <andersen at uclibc.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# This file and most of the menuconfiguration system have been taken wholesale from
+# the uClibc package availalble at www.uclibc.org
+ifeq ($(HAVE_DOT_CONFIG),y)
+# dependency tracking
+files.dep := $(libcxx-a-y) $(libcxx-so-y) $(libcxx-nonshared-y) \
+	$(libgcc_eh-y) $(libsupc-y)
+.depends.dep := \
+	$(patsubst %.s,%.s.dep,$(filter %.s,$(files.dep))) \
+	$(patsubst %.o,%.o.dep,$(filter %.o,$(files.dep)))
+# Oh, and prepend a dot to the basename so i don't have to change my habit of
+# calling 'size thefile.o*'
+.depends.dep := $(foreach f,$(.depends.dep),$(dir $(f)).$(notdir $(f)))
+.depends.dep := $(wildcard $(.depends.dep)) $(manual.depends.dep)
+ifeq ($(filter $(noconfig_targets),$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+ifneq ($(strip $(.depends.dep)),)
+-include $(.depends.dep)
+endif # filter
+endif # any .dep file
+endif # ifeq ($(HAVE_DOT_CONFIG),y)
diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2830e8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ifeq ($(HAVE_DOT_CONFIG),y)
+all: lib
+all: defconfig
+include $(top_srcdir)bin/Makefile.in
+include $(top_srcdir)include/Makefile.in
+include $(top_srcdir)src/Makefile.in
+include $(top_srcdir)extra/Makefile.in
+$(headers-y) $(libcxx-a-y) $(libcxx-so-y): include/system_configuration.h
+tests: lib
+	$(Q)$(MAKE) -C tests all
+check test: tests
+	$(Q)$(MAKE) -C tests test
+	$(RM) ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar
+	git archive --format=tar --prefix=uClibc++-$(VERSION)/ HEAD \
+		> ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar
+	cat ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar | bzip2 -c9 > ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar.bz2
+	cat ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar | xz -e -c8 > ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar.xz
+	du -b $(addprefix ../uClibc++-$(VERSION).tar.,bz2 xz)
+install: install-bin install-include install-lib
+clean: CLEAN_bin CLEAN_src
+	#$(MAKE) -C $(top_builddir)extra/locale clean
+realclean: clean DISTCLEAN_extra DISTCLEAN_include DISTCLEAN_src
+distclean: realclean DISTCLEAN_.config
+	$(do_rm) $(addprefix $(top_builddir),.config .config.cmd .config.old)
+#Menu configuration system
+	$(Q)$(MAKE) -C extra/config conf
+	$(Q)$(MAKE) -C extra/config ncurses mconf
+menuconfig: extra/config/mconf
+	$(Q)$< extra/Configs/Config.in
+config: extra/config/conf
+	$(Q)$< extra/Configs/Config.in
+oldconfig: extra/config/conf
+	$(Q)$< -o extra/Configs/Config.in
+silentoldconfig: extra/config/conf
+	$(Q)$< -s extra/Configs/Config.in
+randconfig: extra/config/conf
+	$(Q)$< -r extra/Configs/Config.in
+allyesconfig: extra/config/conf
+	$(Q)$< -y extra/Configs/Config.in
+allnoconfig: extra/config/conf
+	$(Q)$< -n extra/Configs/Config.in
+defconfig: extra/config/conf
+	$(Q)$< -d extra/Configs/Config.in
+include/system_configuration.h: .config | extra/config/conf
+	$(Q)extra/config/conf -o extra/Configs/Config.in
+ifeq ($(HAVE_DOT_CONFIG),)
+.config: defconfig
+	@echo 'Cleaning:'
+	@echo '  clean			- delete temporary object files'
+	@echo '  realclean		- delete temporary object files, including dependencies'
+	@echo '  distclean		- delete all non-source files (including .config)'
+	@echo
+	@echo 'Build:'
+	@echo '  all			- libraries'
+	@echo
+	@echo 'Configuration:'
+	@echo '  allnoconfig		- disable all symbols in .config'
+	@echo '  allyesconfig		- enable all symbols in .config (see defconfig)'
+	@echo '  config		- text based configurator (of last resort)'
+	@echo '  defconfig		- set .config to arch-specific defaults'
+	@echo '  menuconfig		- interactive curses-based configurator'
+	@echo '  oldconfig		- resolve any unresolved symbols in .config'
+	@echo '  silentoldconfig	- resolve any unresolved symbols in .config, silently'
+	@echo '  randconfig		- generate a random .config'
+	@$(if $(arch-defconfigs), \
+		@echo ''; \
+		echo 'Architecture specific configs ($(ARCH))'; \
+		$(foreach c, $(arch-defconfigs), \
+			printf "  %-21s - Build for %s\\n" $(c) $(subst _defconfig,,$(c));) \
+	)
+	@echo
+	@echo 'Installation:'
+	@echo '  install		- install both the runtime and the headers'
+	@echo
+	@echo 'Development:'
+	@echo '  check			- run testsuite'
+	@echo '  tests			- compile testsuite binaries'
+	@echo '  release		- create a distribution tarball'
+	@echo
+	@echo 'Environment variables:'
+	@echo '  V="" 			- Quiet build (default)'
+	@echo '  V=1			- Brief build (show defines, ld flags)'
+	@echo '  V=2			- Very verbose build'
+	@echo '  CROSS_COMPILE=	- Override CROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX from .config'
+	@echo '  SHELL=		- Shell to use for make'
+	@echo '  HOSTCC=		- C Compiler for compiling host binaries'
+	@echo '  HOSTCXX=		- C++ Compiler for compiling host binaries'
+	@echo '  HOSTCFLAGS=		- extra CFLAGS for compiling host binaries'
+	@echo '  HOSTCXXFLAGS=		- extra CXXFLAGS for compiling host binaries'
+	@echo '  HOSTLDFLAGS=		- extra LDFLAGS for linking host binaries'
+	@echo
+	@echo '  DESTDIR=		- Prepended prefix to installation paths'
+	@echo '  CPU_CFLAGS		- extra C- and CXX- FLAGS for compiling uClibc++'
+	@echo '  BUILD_EXTRA_LIBRARIES	- extra LDFLAGS for linking uClibc++ itself'
diff --git a/Rules.mak b/Rules.mak
index f4b60c5..39e4245 100644
--- a/Rules.mak
+++ b/Rules.mak
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # Rules.mak
+# vi: ft=make :
 # Copyright Garrett Kajmowicz, 2004-2006
 # Copyright (C) 2000 by Lineo, inc.
@@ -18,26 +19,39 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# This file and most of the menuconfiguration system have been taken wholesle from
+# This file and most of the menuconfiguration system have been taken wholesale from
 # the uClibc package availalble at www.uclibc.org
-ifndef CROSS
+.SUFFIXES: .cpp .c .S .o .so .a .s .i
+.PHONY: $(PHONY) all clean realclean distclean install
+ifdef CROSS
+# CROSS is still supported for backward compatibily only
+$(warning CROSS is deprecated, please use CROSS_COMPILE instead)
+ifneq ($(CROSS_COMPILE),)
+$(warning CROSS_COMPILE has precedence over CROSS, ignoring the latter)
-CC= $(CROSS)gcc
-CXX= $(CROSS)g++
-AR= $(CROSS)ar
-LD= $(CROSS)ld
-NM= $(CROSS)nm
-RANLIB= $(CROSS)ranlib
-INSTALL= install
-LN= ln -s -f
-RM= rm -f
-TAR= tar
+INSTALL = install
+LN      = ln
+RM      = rm -f
+TAR     = tar
+SED     = sed
+AWK     = awk
-ARFLAGS:= rcs
 # Select the compiler needed to build binaries for your development system
@@ -49,39 +63,104 @@ HOSTCXXFLAGS=-O2 -Wall
 # Nothing beyond this point should ever be touched by mere mortals.
 # Unless you hang out with the gods, you should probably leave all
 # this stuff alone.
-# Ensure consistent sort order, 'gcc -print-search-dirs' behavior, etc.
-# LC_ALL:= C
 # Make sure DESTDIR and PREFIX can be used to install
+ifdef PREFIX
 # PREFIX is a uClibcism while DESTDIR is a common GNUism
+$(warning PREFIX is deprecated, please use DESTDIR instead)
+ifneq ($(DESTDIR),)
+$(warning DESTDIR has precedence over PREFIX, ignoring the latter)
+clean_targets := clean distclean CLEAN_% DISTCLEAN_%
+noconfig_targets := conf mconf \
+	menuconfig config oldconfig silentoldconfig randconfig \
+	defconfig allyesconfig allnoconfig $(clean_targets) \
+	release tags TAGS help
 # Pull in the user's uClibc++ configuration
 ifeq ($(filter $(noconfig_targets),$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
 # Prevent make from searching
--include $(abspath $(TOPDIR).config)
+-include $(abspath $(top_builddir).config)
+space:= #
 # A nifty macro to make testing gcc features easier
-check_gcc=$(shell if $(CC) $(1) -S -o /dev/null -xc /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; \
-        then echo "$(1)"; else echo "$(2)"; fi)
+check_gcc=$(shell \
+	if $(CC) $(1) -S -o /dev/null -xc /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; \
+	then echo "$(1)"; else echo "$(2)"; fi)
+check_as=$(shell \
+	if $(CC) -Wa,$(1) -Wa,-Z -c -o /dev/null -xassembler /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; \
+	then echo "-Wa,$(1)"; fi)
+check_ld=$(shell \
+	if $(LD) $(1) -o /dev/null -b binary /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; \
+	then echo "$(1)"; fi)
-check_gxx_visibility=$(shell if $(CXX) -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -S -o /dev/null -xc++ /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; \
-        then echo "-DGCC_HASCLASSVISIBILITY"; fi)
+# Use variable indirection here so that we can have variable
+# names with fun chars in them like equal signs
+define check-tool-var
+ifeq ($(filter $(clean_targets) CLEAN_%,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+_v = $(2)_$(3)
+ifndef $$(_v)
+$$(_v) := $$(call $(1),$(subst %, ,$(3)))
+export $$(_v)
+# Usage: check-gcc-var,<flag>
+# Check the C compiler to see if it supports <flag>.
+# Export the variable CFLAG_<flag> if it does.
+define check-gcc-var
+$(call check-tool-var,check_gcc,CFLAG,$(1))
+# Usage: check-as-var,<flag>
+# Check the assembler to see if it supports <flag>.  Export the
+# variable ASFLAG_<flag> if it does (for invoking the assembler),
+# as well CFLAG_-Wa<flag> (for invoking the compiler driver).
+define check-as-var
+$(call check-tool-var,check_as,ASFLAG,$(1))
+_v = CFLAG_-Wa$(1)
+export $$(_v) = $$(if $$(ASFLAG_$(1)),-Wa$$(comma)$$(ASFLAG_$(1)))
+# Usage: check-ld-var,<flag>
+# Check the linker to see if it supports <flag>.  Export the
+# variable LDFLAG_<flag> if it does (for invoking the linker),
+# as well CFLAG_-Wl<flag> (for invoking the compiler driver).
+define check-ld-var
+$(call check-tool-var,check_ld,LDFLAG,$(1))
+_v = CFLAG_-Wl$(1)
+export $$(_v) = $$(if $$(LDFLAG_$(1)),-Wl$$(comma)$$(LDFLAG_$(1)))
+# Usage: cache-output-var,<variable>,<shell command>
+# Execute <shell command> and cache the output in <variable>.
+define cache-output-var
+ifndef $(1)
+$(1) := $$(shell $(2))
+export $(1)
-check_as_needed=$(shell if $(LD) --help | grep -q 'as-needed' ; \
-	then echo "-Wl,--as-needed -lgcc_s -Wl,--no-as-needed"; else echo "-lgcc_s"; fi)
+$(eval $(call cache-output-var,GCC_VER,$(CC) -dumpversion))
+GCC_VER := $(subst ., ,$(GCC_VER))
+GCC_MAJOR_VER ?= $(word 1,$(GCC_VER))
+#GCC_MINOR_VER ?= $(word 2,$(GCC_VER))
 # strip quotes
 qstrip = $(strip $(subst ",,$(1)))
@@ -96,11 +175,20 @@ UCLIBCXX_RUNTIME_BINDIR:=$(strip $(subst //,/, $(subst //,/, $(subst ,/, $(call
 UCLIBCXX_RUNTIME_INCLUDEDIR:=$(strip $(subst //,/, $(subst //,/, $(subst ,/, $(call qstrip,$(UCLIBCXX_RUNTIME_PREFIX)$(UCLIBCXX_RUNTIME_INCLUDE_SUBDIR))))))
+WRAPPER = $(top_builddir)bin/g++-uc
 # use '-Os' optimization if available, else use -O2, allow Config to override
-OPTIMIZATION+=$(call check_gcc,-Os,-O2)
+$(eval $(call check-gcc-var,-Os))
+ifneq ($(CFLAG_-Os),)
+$(eval $(call check-gcc-var,-O2))
+$(eval $(call check-gcc-var,-fvisibility-inlines-hidden))
 # Add a bunch of extra pedantic annoyingly strict checks
 XWARNINGS=$(call qstrip,$(UCLIBCXX_WARNINGS)) -Wno-trigraphs -pedantic
@@ -110,10 +198,12 @@ CPU_CFLAGS=$(call qstrip,$(CPU_CFLAGS-y))
-LDFLAGS:=-Wl,--warn-common -Wl,--warn-once -Wl,-z,combreloc -Wl,-z,defs
+LDFLAGS-$(LIBNAME).so:=-Wl,--warn-common -Wl,--warn-once -Wl,-z,combreloc -Wl,-z,defs
+STRIP_FLAGS-src := -x -R .note -R .comment
+STRIP_FLAGS-src/abi := -x -R .note -R .comment
 ifeq ($(DODEBUG),y)
-    CFLAGS += -O0 -g3 
+    CFLAGS += -O0 -g3
     STRIPTOOL:= true -Since_we_are_debugging
@@ -129,15 +219,24 @@ ifneq ($(UCLIBCXX_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT),y)
-GEN_CXXFLAGS+=$(call check_gxx_visibility)
+GEN_CXXFLAGS+=$(if $(CFLAG_-fvisibility-inlines-hidden),-DGCC_HASCLASSVISIBILITY)
 LIBGCC:=$(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name)
-#GCC_VERSION?=$(shell $(CC) -dumpversion | cut -c1-3)
-GCC_MAJOR_VER?=$(shell $(CC) -dumpversion | cut -c1)
-#GCC_MINOR_VER?=$(shell $(CC) -dumpversion | cut -c3)
+# Let users override these
+ifndef LIBGCC_EH
+$(eval $(call cache-output-var,FILE_LIBGCC_EH,$(CXX) -print-file-name=libgcc_eh.a))
+ifndef LIBSUP
+$(eval $(call cache-output-var,FILE_LIBSUP,$(CXX) -print-file-name=libsupc++.a))
+list-archive-members = $(if $(1),$(shell $(AR) t $(1)))
+variablify = $(strip $(subst /,_,$(subst :,_,$(subst ;,_,$(subst |,_,$(subst >,_,$(subst <,_,$(1))))))))
@@ -150,16 +249,336 @@ GEN_LIBS += -lc -lgcc
+$(eval $(call cache-output-var,LDASNEEDED,$(LD) --help 2>/dev/null | grep -q -- --as-needed && echo y))
+link.asneeded = $(if $1,$(if $(LDASNEEDED),-Wl$(comma)--as-needed $(1) -Wl$(comma)--no-as-needed,$(1)))
 ifneq ($(GCC_MAJOR_VER),3)
-LIBS += $(call check_as_needed)
+LIBS-ASNEEDED-$(LIBNAME).so = -lgcc_s
 ifneq ($(IMPORT_LIBGCC_EH),y)
   STATIC_LIBS += -lgcc_eh
-ifeq ($(GCC_MAJOR_VER),3)
-  LIBS += -lgcc_eh
+#ifeq ($(GCC_MAJOR_VER),3)
+#  LIBS += -lgcc_eh
+# We do not need built-in implicit rules
+ifneq ($(findstring s,$(MAKEFLAGS)),)
+export MAKE_IS_SILENT := y
+SECHO := - at false
+DISP := sil
+Q := @
+export MAKE_IS_SILENT := n
+SECHO := @echo
+ifneq ($(V)$(VERBOSE),)
+ifeq ($(V),1)
+DISP := bri# brief, like pur but with defines
+Q := @
+SHELL_SET_X := set -x
+DISP := ver
+Q :=
+DISP := pur
+Q := @
+show_objs = $(subst $(top_builddir),,$(subst ../,,$@))
+define show_defs
+	$(filter -D%,$(1))
+define show_ldflags
+	$(subst $(comma), ,$(subst -Wl$(comma),,$(filter -Wl%,$(1))))
+pur_disp_compile.cxx = echo "  "CXX $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_compile.c   = echo "  "CC $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_compile.ixx = echo "  "CPP $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_compile.i   = echo "  "CPP $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_compile.sxx = echo "  "CXX-S $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_compile.s   = echo "  "CC-S $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_compile.u   = echo "  "CC $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_compile.S   = echo "  "AS $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_compile.uxx = echo "  "CXX $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_compile.oxx = echo "  "CXX-o $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_hcompile.u  = echo "  "HOSTCC $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_hcompile.o  = echo "  "HOSTCC-o $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_hcompile.uxx= echo "  "HOSTCXX $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_hcompile.oxx= echo "  "HOSTCXX-o $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_strip       = echo "  "STRIP $(STRIP_FLAGS) $@
+pur_disp_t_strip     = echo "  "STRIP $(STRIP_FLAGS-$(@D)) $@
+pur_disp_ar          = echo "  "AR $(ARFLAGS) $@
+pur_disp_ranlib      = echo "  "RANLIB $(RANLIBFLAGS) $@
+pur_disp_ld          = echo "  "LD $(call dirify,$(1))
+pur_disp_ln          = echo "  "LN $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_mkdir       = echo "  "MKDIR $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_gen         = echo "  "GEN $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_install     = echo "  "INSTALL $(1)
+pur_disp_unifdef     = echo "  "UNIFDEF $(show_objs)
+pur_disp_rm          = echo "  "CLEAN $(subst CLEAN_,,$(subst DISTCLEAN_,,$@))
+sil_disp_compile.cxx = true
+sil_disp_compile.c   = true
+sil_disp_compile.ixx = true
+sil_disp_compile.i   = true
+sil_disp_compile.sxx = true
+sil_disp_compile.s   = true
+sil_disp_compile.u   = true
+sil_disp_compile.S   = true
+sil_disp_compile.uxx = true
+sil_disp_compile.oxx = true
+sil_disp_hcompile.u  = true
+sil_disp_hcompile.o  = true
+sil_disp_hcompile.uxx= true
+sil_disp_hcompile.oxx= true
+sil_disp_strip       = true
+sil_disp_t_strip     = true
+sil_disp_ar          = true
+sil_disp_ranlib      = true
+sil_disp_ld          = true
+sil_disp_ln          = true
+sil_disp_mkdir       = true
+sil_disp_gen         = true
+sil_disp_install     = true
+sil_disp_unifdef     = true
+sil_disp_rm          = true
+bri_disp_compile.cxx = $(pur_disp_compile.cxx) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_compile.cxx))
+bri_disp_compile.c   = $(pur_disp_compile.c) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_compile.c))
+bri_disp_compile.ixx = $(pur_disp_compile.ixx) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_compile.ixx))
+bri_disp_compile.i   = $(pur_disp_compile.i) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_compile.i))
+bri_disp_compile.sxx = $(pur_disp_compile.sxx) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_compile.sxx))
+bri_disp_compile.s   = $(pur_disp_compile.s) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_compile.s))
+bri_disp_compile.u   = $(pur_disp_compile.u) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_compile.u))
+bri_disp_compile.S   = $(pur_disp_compile.S) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_compile.S))
+bri_disp_compile.uxx = $(pur_disp_compile.uxx) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_compile.uxx))
+bri_disp_compile.oxx = $(pur_disp_compile.oxx) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_compile.oxx))
+bri_disp_hcompile.u = $(pur_disp_hcompile.u) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_hcompile.u))
+bri_disp_hcompile.o = $(pur_disp_hcompile.o) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_hcompile.o))
+bri_disp_hcompile.uxx=$(pur_disp_hcompile.uxx) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_hcompile.uxx))
+bri_disp_hcompile.oxx=$(pur_disp_hcompile.oxx) $(call show_defs,$(cmd_hcompile.oxx))
+bri_disp_strip      = $(pur_disp_strip)
+bri_disp_t_strip    = $(pur_disp_t_strip)
+bri_disp_ar         = $(pur_disp_ar)
+bri_disp_ranlib     = $(pur_disp_ranlib)
+bri_disp_ld         = $(pur_disp_ld) $(call show_ldflags,$(cmd_ld))
+bri_disp_ln         = $(pur_disp_ln)
+bri_disp_mkdir      = $(pur_disp_mkdir)
+bri_disp_gen        = $(pur_disp_gen)
+bri_disp_install    = $(pur_disp_install)
+bri_disp_unifdef    = $(pur_disp_unifdef)
+bri_disp_rm         = $(pur_disp_rm)
+esc=$(subst ','\'',$(1))
+# ')
+ver_disp_compile.cxx = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_compile.cxx))'
+ver_disp_compile.c   = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_compile.c))'
+ver_disp_compile.ixx = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_compile.ixx))'
+ver_disp_compile.i   = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_compile.i))'
+ver_disp_compile.sxx = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_compile.sxx))'
+ver_disp_compile.s   = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_compile.s))'
+ver_disp_compile.u   = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_compile.u))'
+ver_disp_compile.S   = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_compile.S))'
+ver_disp_compile.uxx = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_compile.uxx))'
+ver_disp_compile.oxx = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_compile.oxx))'
+ver_disp_hcompile.u  = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_hcompile.u))'
+ver_disp_hcompile.o  = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_hcompile.o))'
+ver_disp_hcompile.uxx= echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_hcompile.uxx))'
+ver_disp_hcompile.oxx= echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_hcompile.oxx))'
+ver_disp_strip       = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_strip))'
+ver_disp_t_strip     = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_t_strip))'
+ver_disp_ar          = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_ar))'
+ver_disp_ranlib      = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_ranlib))'
+ver_disp_ld          =
+ver_disp_ln          =
+ver_disp_mkdir       =
+ver_disp_gen         =
+ver_disp_install     =
+ver_disp_unifdef     = echo '$(call esc,$(cmd_unifdef))'
+ver_disp_rm          =
+disp_compile.cxx = $($(DISP)_disp_compile.cxx)
+disp_compile.c   = $($(DISP)_disp_compile.c)
+disp_compile.ixx = $($(DISP)_disp_compile.ixx)
+disp_compile.i   = $($(DISP)_disp_compile.i)
+disp_compile.s   = $($(DISP)_disp_compile.s)
+disp_compile.sxx = $($(DISP)_disp_compile.sxx)
+disp_compile.u   = $($(DISP)_disp_compile.u)
+disp_compile.S   = $($(DISP)_disp_compile.S)
+disp_compile.uxx = $($(DISP)_disp_compile.uxx)
+disp_compile.oxx = $($(DISP)_disp_compile.oxx)
+disp_hcompile.u  = $($(DISP)_disp_hcompile.u)
+disp_hcompile.o  = $($(DISP)_disp_hcompile.o)
+disp_hcompile.uxx= $($(DISP)_disp_hcompile.uxx)
+disp_hcompile.oxx= $($(DISP)_disp_hcompile.oxx)
+disp_strip       = $($(DISP)_disp_strip)
+disp_t_strip     = $($(DISP)_disp_t_strip)
+disp_ar          = $($(DISP)_disp_ar)
+disp_ranlib      = $($(DISP)_disp_ranlib)
+disp_ld          = $($(DISP)_disp_ld)
+disp_ln          = $($(DISP)_disp_ln)
+disp_mkdir       = $($(DISP)_disp_mkdir)
+disp_gen         = $($(DISP)_disp_gen)
+disp_install     = $($(DISP)_disp_install)
+disp_unifdef     = $($(DISP)_disp_unifdef)
+disp_rm          = $($(DISP)_disp_rm)
+any-prereq = $(filter-out $(PHONY),$?) $(filter-out $(PHONY) $(wildcard $^),$^)
+# strip the top_builddir off everything to make the *string* idempotent for -C
+dirify = $(subst $(top_builddir),,$(patsubst -L$(top_builddir)%,-L%,$(patsubst -I$(top_builddir)%,-I%,$(1))))
+unwrapper = $(call dirify,$(subst $(call dirify,$(WRAPPER)),$(CXX) $(GEN_CFLAGS) $(GEN_CXXFLAGS) $(EH_CXXFLAGS),$(subst WRAPPER_INCLUDEDIR=,,$(subst WRAPPER_LIBDIR=,,$(1)))))
+# True if not identical. Neither order nor whitespace nor identical flags
+# matter.
+compare_flags = \
+	$(strip $(filter-out $(call unwrapper,$(cmd_$(call variablify,$(call dirify,$(1))))), \
+				$(call unwrapper,$(cmd_$(call variablify,$(call dirify,$(@)))))) \
+		$(filter-out $(call unwrapper,$(cmd_$(call variablify,$(call dirify,$(@))))), \
+				$(call unwrapper,$(cmd_$(call variablify,$(call dirify,$(1)))))))
+# Rebuild if any prerequisite, the used CC or flags changed.
+# Previously used flags are stored in the corresponding .%.dep files
+maybe_exec = \
+		$(if $(strip $(compare_flags) $(any-prereq)), \
+		@set -e; \
+		$(disp_$(1)); \
+		$(cmd_$(1)); \
+		echo 'cmd_$(call variablify,$(call dirify,$(@))) := $(call dirify,$(cmd_$(call variablify,$(call dirify,$(1)))))' >> $(dir $@).$(notdir $@).dep)
-.PHONY: all clean distclean install
+CFLAGS_gen.dep = -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(dir $@).$(notdir $@).dep
+cmd_compile.c = $(CC) $(CFLAGS_gen.dep) \
+	$(CFLAGS-$(suffix $@)) \
+	$(filter-out $(CFLAGS-OMIT-$(notdir $<)),$(CFLAGS-$(notdir $(<D)))) \
+	$(CFLAGS-$(subst $(top_srcdir),,$(dir $<))) \
+	$(CFLAGS-$(notdir $<)) \
+	$(CFLAGS-$(notdir $@)) \
+	$(CFLAGS) \
+	-c $< -o $@
+cmd_compile.i = $(cmd_compile.c:-c=-E -dD) $(UCLIBC_EXTRA_CPPFLAGS)
+cmd_compile.s = $(cmd_compile.c:-c=-S)
+cmd_compile.cxx = $(WR_CXX) $(CFLAGS_gen.dep) \
+	$(CXXFLAGS-$(suffix $@)) \
+	$(filter-out $(CXXFLAGS-OMIT-$(notdir $<)),$(CXXFLAGS-$(notdir $(<D)))) \
+	$(CXXFLAGS-$(subst $(top_srcdir),,$(dir $<))) \
+	$(CXXFLAGS-$(notdir $<)) \
+	$(CXXFLAGS-$(notdir $@)) \
+	-c $< -o $@
+cmd_compile.ixx = $(cmd_compile.cxx:-c=-E -dD) $(CXXCPPFLAGS)
+cmd_compile.sxx = $(cmd_compile.cxx:-c=-S)
+cmd_compile.oxx = $(WR_CXX) $(CFLAGS_gen.dep) \
+	$(CXXFLAGS-$(suffix $@)) \
+	$(filter-out $(CXXFLAGS-OMIT-$(notdir $<)),$(CXXFLAGS-$(notdir $(<D)))) \
+	$(CXXFLAGS-$(subst $(top_srcdir),,$(dir $<))) \
+	$(CXXFLAGS-$(notdir $<)) \
+	$(CXXFLAGS-$(notdir $@)) \
+	-c $< -o $@
+cmd_compile.uxx = $(WR_CXX) $(CFLAGS_gen.dep) \
+	$(filter-out $(CXXFLAGS-OMIT-$(notdir $<)),$(CXXFLAGS-$(notdir $(<D)))) \
+	$(CXXFLAGS-$(subst $(top_srcdir),,$(dir $<))) \
+	$(CXXFLAGS-$(notdir $<)) \
+	$(CXXFLAGS-$(notdir $@)) \
+	$^ $(LDFLAGS) $(DEPS-$(notdir $@)) -o $@
+cmd_compile.u = $(CC) $(CFLAGS_gen.dep) $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS-$(notdir $(^D))) $(CFLAGS-$(notdir $@)) $^ $(DEPS-$(notdir $@)) -o $@
+cmd_compile.S = $(filter-out -std=gnu99, $(cmd_compile.c)) -D__ASSEMBLER__ $(ASFLAGS) $(ARCH_ASFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS-$(suffix $@)) $(ASFLAGS-$(notdir $<)) $(ASFLAGS-$(notdir $@))
+cmd_hcompile.uxx = $(HOSTCXX) $(CFLAGS_gen.dep) $(HOSTCXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS-$(notdir $(^D))) $(CXXFLAGS-$(notdir $@)) $^ $(HOSTLDFLAGS) $(DEPS-$(notdir $@)) -o $@
+cmd_hcompile.oxx = $(HOSTCXX) $(CFLAGS_gen.dep) $(HOSTCXXFLAGS) $(HOSTCXXFLAGS-$(notdir $(^D))) $(HOSTCXXFLAGS-$(notdir $@)) -c $< -o $@
+cmd_strip     = $(STRIPTOOL) $(STRIP_FLAGS) $^
+cmd_t_strip   = $(STRIPTOOL) $(STRIP_FLAGS) $@
+cmd_ar        = $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $^
+cmd_ranlib    = $(RANLIB) $(RANLIBFLAGS) $@
+define do_ln
+	@$(disp_ln)
+	$(Q)$(LN) -f -s
+define do_mkdir
+	@$(disp_mkdir)
+	$(Q)$(INSTALL) -d $@
+define do_rm
+	@$(disp_rm)
+	$(Q)$(RM)
+define do_awk
+	@$(disp_gen)
+	$(Q)$(AWK) -f
+define do_sed
+	@$(disp_gen)
+	$(Q)$(SED)
+compile.cxx = @$(call maybe_exec,compile.cxx)
+compile.c   = @$(call maybe_exec,compile.c)
+compile.ixx =  $(call maybe_exec,compile.ixx)
+compile.i   =  $(call maybe_exec,compile.i)
+compile.sxx =  $(call maybe_exec,compile.sxx)
+compile.s   =  $(call maybe_exec,compile.s)
+compile.S   = @$(call maybe_exec,compile.S)
+compile.uxx = @$(call maybe_exec,compile.uxx)
+compile.oxx = @$(call maybe_exec,compile.oxx)
+do_strip    = @$(disp_strip)     ; $(cmd_strip)
+do_t_strip  = @$(disp_t_strip)   ; $(cmd_t_strip)
+do_unifdef  = @$(disp_unifdef)   ; $(cmd_unifdef)
+hcompile.u  = @$(disp_hcompile.u); $(cmd_hcompile.u)
+hcompile.o  = @$(disp_hcompile.o); $(cmd_hcompile.o)
+hcompile.uxx= @$(call maybe_exec,hcompile.uxx)
+hcompile.oxx= @$(call maybe_exec,hcompile.oxx)
+define do_ar
+	@$(disp_ar) ; $(cmd_ar)
+	@$(disp_ranlib) ; $(cmd_ranlib)
+define compile.u
+	@$(disp_compile.u) ; $(cmd_compile.u)
+	@$(disp_t_strip)
+cmd_hcompile.u = $(HOSTCC) $(filter-out $(PHONY),$^) $(DEPS-$(notdir $@)) -o $@ $(HOSTLDFLAGS) $(HOSTLDFLAGS-$(notdir $(^D))) $(HOSTLDFLAGS-$(notdir $@)) $(HOSTCFLAGS) $(HOSTCFLAGS-$(notdir $(^D))) $(HOSTCFLAGS-$(notdir $@))
+cmd_hcompile.o = $(HOSTCC) $(filter-out $(PHONY),$<) $(DEPS-$(notdir $@)) -c -o $@ $(HOSTCFLAGS) $(HOSTCFLAGS-$(notdir $(^D))) $(HOSTCFLAGS-$(notdir $@))
+define link.so
+	$(Q)$(RM) $@ $@.$(2) $(1)
+	@$(disp_ld)
+	$(Q)$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS-$(@F)) $(LDFLAGS-y-$(@F)) \
+		-Wl,-soname=$(@F).$(2) \
+		-o $(1) $^ \
+		$(START_FILE-$(@F)) \
+		$(LIBS-$(@F)) $(call link.asneeded,$(LIBS-ASNEEDED-$(@F))) \
+		$(END_FILE-$(@F))
+	$(Q)$(LN) -sf $(notdir $(1)) $@.$(2)
+	$(Q)$(LN) -sf $(@F).$(2) $@
+$(top_builddir)%.o:  $(top_srcdir)%.cpp FORCE ; $(compile.cxx)
+$(top_builddir)%.o:  $(top_srcdir)%.c FORCE ; $(compile.c)
+$(top_builddir)%.o:  $(top_srcdir)%.S FORCE ; $(compile.S)
+$(top_builddir)%.o:  $(top_srcdir)%.s FORCE ; $(compile.S)
+$(top_builddir)%.i:  $(top_srcdir)%.cpp FORCE ; $(compile.ixx)
+$(top_builddir)%.i:  $(top_srcdir)%.c FORCE ; $(compile.i)
+$(top_builddir)%.i:  $(top_srcdir)%.S FORCE ; $(compile.i)
+$(top_builddir)%.s:  $(top_srcdir)%.cpp FORCE ; $(compile.sxx)
+$(top_builddir)%.s:  $(top_srcdir)%.c FORCE ; $(compile.s)
+$(top_builddir)%.s:  $(top_srcdir)%.S FORCE ; $(compile.s)
+#$(top_builddir)tests/%.o:  $(top_srcdir)tests/%.cpp FORCE ; $(hcompile.oxx)
+#$(top_builddir)tests/%:    $(top_builddir)tests/%.o FORCE ; $(hcompile.uxx)
+ifeq ($(HAVE_DOT_CONFIG),y)
+	$(do_mkdir)
diff --git a/bin/Makefile b/bin/Makefile
index acf3b95..ee320d8 100644
--- a/bin/Makefile
+++ b/bin/Makefile
@@ -1,49 +1,6 @@
-include $(TOPDIR)Rules.mak
-WRAPPER	= g++-uc
-all: $(WRAPPER)
-	$(RM) $(WRAPPER)
-$(WRAPPER): Makefile
-	echo '#!/bin/sh' > $@
-	echo '' >> $@
-	echo '' >> $@
-	echo 'WRAPPER_OPTIONS=""' >> $@
-	echo 'WRAPPER_LIBS="$(LIBS)"' >> $@
-	echo '' >> $@
-	echo 'WRAPPER_INCLIB="Y"' >> $@
-	echo 'while [ -n "$$1" ]' >> $@
-	echo 'do' >> $@
-	echo '	if [ "$$1" = "-c" -o "$$1" = "-E" -o "$$1" = "-S" -o "$$1" = "-MF" ]' >> $@
-	echo '	then' >> $@
-	echo '		WRAPPER_INCLIB="N"' >> $@
-	echo '	fi' >> $@
-ifneq ($(strip $(LIBS)),$(strip $(STATIC_LIBS)))
-	echo '	if [ "$$1" = "-static" ]' >> $@
-	echo '	then' >> $@
-	echo '		WRAPPER_LIBS="$(STATIC_LIBS)"' >> $@
-	echo '	fi' >> $@
-	echo '	shift' >> $@
-	echo 'done' >> $@
-	echo 'if [ "$$WRAPPER_INCLIB" = "Y" ]' >> $@
-	echo 'then' >> $@
-	echo 'fi' >> $@
-	echo '' >> $@
-ifeq ($(DODEBUG),y)
-	chmod 755 $@
+include $(top_srcdir)Rules.mak
+include Makefile.in
+include $(top_srcdir)Makefile.end
diff --git a/bin/Makefile.in b/bin/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80b45bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+BIN_DIR := $(top_builddir)bin/
+	$(do_rm) $(WRAPPER) $(BIN_DIR)env_check
+	@$(disp_install) $(call dirify,$(WRAPPER))
+# Rebuild wrapper whenever any of these vars change
+# Hardcoding these in the wrapper is arguably bad design but handy
+.PHONY: $(BIN_DIR)env_check
+manual.depends.dep += $(BIN_DIR)env_check
+	@echo 'cmd_$(call variablify,$(call dirify,$(WRAPPER))) := $(cmd_bin_env_check)' > $@.new
+	@echo '' >> $@.new
+	@echo "\$$(if \$$(Q),,\$$(info read $@))" >> $@.new
+	@if cmp -s $@ $@.new ; then \
+		$(RM) $@.new ; \
+	 else \
+		mv $@.new $@ ; \
+		$(RM) $(WRAPPER) ; \
+	 fi
+define do_wrapper
+	@$(disp_gen)
+	$(Q)echo '#!/bin/sh' > $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo 'WRAPPER_OPTIONS=""' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo 'WRAPPER_LIBS="$(strip $(LIBS))"' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo 'WRAPPER_INCLIB="Y"' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo 'while [ -n "$$1" ]' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo 'do' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '	WRAPPER_OPTIONS="$$WRAPPER_OPTIONS $$1"' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '	if [ "$$1" = "-c" -o "$$1" = "-E" -o "$$1" = "-S" ]' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '	then' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '		WRAPPER_INCLIB="N"' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '	fi' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '	if [ "$$1" = "-static" -a "$$WRAPPER_LIBS" != "$(strip $(STATIC_LIBS))" ]' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '	then' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '		WRAPPER_LIBS="$(strip $(STATIC_LIBS))"' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '	fi' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '	shift' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo 'done' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo 'if [ "$$WRAPPER_INCLIB" = "Y" ]' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo 'then' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '	WRAPPER_OPTIONS="$$WRAPPER_OPTIONS -nodefaultlibs $$WRAPPER_LIBDIR -l$(LNAME) $$WRAPPER_LIBS"' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo 'fi' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '[ -n "$$V" ] && [ $$V -eq 1 ] && echo $(CXX) $(GEN_CFLAGS) $(GEN_CXXFLAGS) $(EH_CXXFLAGS) $$WRAPPER_INCLUDEDIR $$WRAPPER_OPTIONS' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)echo '' >> $@.tmp
+	$(Q)chmod 0755 $@.tmp
+	$(Q)mv $@.tmp $@
+$(WRAPPER) $(BIN_DIR)env_check: $(BIN_DIR)Makefile.in
+$(WRAPPER): $(BIN_DIR)env_check
+	$(if $(strip $(call compare_flags,$<) $?),$(do_wrapper))
diff --git a/extra/Configs/Config.in b/extra/Configs/Config.in
index 09c6fac..afc358a 100644
--- a/extra/Configs/Config.in
+++ b/extra/Configs/Config.in
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ config UCLIBCXX_RUNTIME_PREFIX
 	string "uClibc++ runtime prefix directory"
 	default "/usr/uClibc++"
-	 UCLIBCXX_ RUNTIME_PREFIX is the directory into which the uClibc++
+	 UCLIBCXX_RUNTIME_PREFIX is the directory into which the uClibc++
 	  runtime libraries will be installed.
 	  For a typical target system this should be set to "/usr", so
diff --git a/extra/Makefile b/extra/Makefile
index 2371a81..90f9311 100644
--- a/extra/Makefile
+++ b/extra/Makefile
@@ -21,30 +21,8 @@
 # other sundry sources.  Files within this library are copyright by their
 # respective copyright holders.
-include $(TOPDIR)Rules.mak
-DIRS = 
-all: subdirs
-	ctags -R
-clean: subdirs_clean
-	$(RM) *.[oa] *~ core
-subdirs: $(patsubst %, _dir_%, $(DIRS))
-subdirs_clean: $(patsubst %, _dirclean_%, $(DIRS) $(EXTRA_DIRS_TO_CLEAN))
-$(patsubst %, _dir_%, $(DIRS)) : dummy
-	$(MAKE) -C $(patsubst _dir_%, %, $@)
-$(patsubst %, _dirclean_%, $(DIRS) $(EXTRA_DIRS_TO_CLEAN)) : dummy
-	$(MAKE) -C $(patsubst _dirclean_%, %, $@) clean
-.PHONY: dummy
+include $(top_srcdir)Rules.mak
+include Makefile.in
diff --git a/extra/Makefile.in b/extra/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d05d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+EXTRA_DIR := $(top_srcdir)extra/
+	$(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(EXTRA_DIR)config CLEAN_extra/config
diff --git a/extra/config/Makefile b/extra/config/Makefile
index d642f2d..d5fe112 100644
--- a/extra/config/Makefile
+++ b/extra/config/Makefile
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-include $(TOPDIR)Rules.mak
+include $(top_srcdir)Rules.mak
 all: ncurses conf mconf
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ CONF_OBJS =$(patsubst %.c,%.o, $(CONF_SRC))
 MCONF_OBJS=$(patsubst %.c,%.o, $(MCONF_SRC))
 SHARED_OBJS=$(patsubst %.c,%.o, $(SHARED_SRC))
 	$(HOSTCC) $(NATIVE_LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ ncurses:
 		exit 1 ;\
-	$(RM) *.o *~ core $(TARGETS) $(MCONF_OBJS) $(CONF_OBJS) \
+	$(do_rm) *.o *~ core $(TARGETS) $(MCONF_OBJS) $(CONF_OBJS) \
 		conf mconf zconf.tab.c zconf.tab.h lex.zconf.c lkc_defs.h
diff --git a/extra/config/menu.c b/extra/config/menu.c
index ba5c6a6..07d4cb2 100644
--- a/extra/config/menu.c
+++ b/extra/config/menu.c
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ int file_write_dep(const char *name)
 			fprintf(out, "\t%s\n", file->name);
-	fprintf(out, "\n.config include/bits/uClibc_config.h: $(deps_config)\n\n$(deps_config):\n");
+	fprintf(out, "\n.config include/system_configuration.h: $(deps_config)\n\n$(deps_config):\n");
 	rename(".config.tmp", name);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/extra/locale/Makefile b/extra/locale/Makefile
index 2d8a147..1118524 100644
--- a/extra/locale/Makefile
+++ b/extra/locale/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-TOPDIR = ../../
-EXTRA_LOCALE_DIR:=${shell cd $(TOPDIR)/extra/locale && pwd}
-include $(TOPDIR)Rules.mak
+top_srcdir = ../../
+EXTRA_LOCALE_DIR:=${shell cd $(top_srcdir)/extra/locale && pwd}
+include $(top_srcdir)Rules.mak
diff --git a/include/Makefile b/include/Makefile
index b5c2694..6590b44 100644
--- a/include/Makefile
+++ b/include/Makefile
@@ -1,13 +1,5 @@
-include $(TOPDIR)Rules.mak
-HEADERS = $(filter-out .svn CVS Makefile,$(wildcard *))
+include $(top_srcdir)Rules.mak
+include Makefile.in
+include $(top_srcdir)Makefile.end
diff --git a/include/Makefile.in b/include/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45b66c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+	$(do_rm) $(top_builddir)include/system_configuration.h
+headers-y = $(filter-out .svn bits CVS Makefile Makefile.in,$(notdir $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)include/*)))
+	@$(disp_install) include/
+	$(Q)$(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(addprefix $(top_srcdir)include/, $(headers-y)) $(DESTDIR)$(UCLIBCXX_RUNTIME_INCLUDEDIR)
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 5717ab1..370f700 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -1,74 +1,6 @@
-include $(TOPDIR)Rules.mak
-LDFLAGS += -nodefaultlibs -shared -Wl,-soname,$(SHARED_MAJORNAME) $(BUILD_EXTRA_LIBRARIES)
-ifneq ($(DODEBUG),y)
-LDFLAGS += -Wl,-s
-SRCS =	$(wildcard *.cpp)
-SRCS += abi/abi.cpp
-SRCS := $(filter-out support.cpp,$(SRCS))
-SRCS := $(filter-out typeinfo.cpp,$(SRCS))
-EXOBJS	:= $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o, $(SRCS))
-ifeq ($(BUILD_STATIC_LIB),y)
-all:	libgcc_eh libsupc $(EXOBJS) $(ALLBIN)
-	($(TAR) -cf - \
-	 $(if $(BUILD_STATIC_LIB),$(LIBNAME).a,) \
-	 $(if $(BUILD_ONLY_STATIC_LIB),, \
-	  ) \
-ifeq ($(IMPORT_LIBGCC_EH),y)
-	$(MAKE) -C abi/libgcc_eh all
-#ifeq ($(GCC_MAJOR_VER),3)
-GCCOBJS = $(wildcard abi/libgcc_eh/*.o)
-ifeq ($(IMPORT_LIBSUP),y)
-	$(MAKE) -C abi/libsupc all
-SUPOBJS = $(wildcard abi/libsupc/*.o)
-$(LIBNAME).a: libgcc_eh libsupc $(EXOBJS)
-	$(RANLIB) $@
-$(SHARED_FULLNAME): libgcc_eh libsupc $(EXOBJS)
-	$(MAKE) -C abi/libgcc_eh clean
-	$(MAKE) -C abi/libsupc clean
-	$(RM) *.o abi/*.o libuClibc++* core
-%.o: %.cpp $(TOPDIR)bin/g++-uc
-	$(WR_CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
-	$(STRIPTOOL) -x -R .note -R .comment $@
+include $(top_srcdir)Rules.mak
+include Makefile.in
+include $(top_srcdir)Makefile.end
diff --git a/src/Makefile.in b/src/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d12343d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+WR_CXX := WRAPPER_INCLUDEDIR=-I$(top_srcdir)include $(WRAPPER)
+LDFLAGS-$(LIBNAME).so += -nodefaultlibs -shared
+SRC_DIR := $(top_srcdir)src/
+SRC_OUT := $(top_builddir)src/
+SRCS =	$(notdir $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)*.cpp))
+SRCS := $(filter-out support.cpp,$(SRCS))
+SRCS := $(filter-out typeinfo.cpp,$(SRCS))
+SRCS += abi/abi.cpp
+EXOBJS := $(patsubst %.cpp,$(SRC_OUT)%.o, $(SRCS))
+libs-y :=
+libs-$(if $(BUILD_ONLY_STATIC_LIB),,y) += $(SRC_OUT)$(LIBNAME).so
+lib: $(libs-y)
+include $(top_srcdir)src/abi/libgcc_eh/Makefile.in
+include $(top_srcdir)src/abi/libsupc/Makefile.in
+install-lib: lib | $(DESTDIR)$(UCLIBCXX_RUNTIME_LIBDIR)
+	@$(if $(BUILD_STATIC_LIB),$(disp_install) $(LIBNAME).a)
+	@$(if $(BUILD_ONLY_STATIC_LIB),,$(disp_install) \
+	$(Q)(cd $(SRC_OUT); \
+	 $(TAR) -cf - \
+	 $(if $(BUILD_STATIC_LIB),$(LIBNAME).a,) \
+	 $(if $(BUILD_ONLY_STATIC_LIB),, \
+	  ) \
+libcxx-a-y = $(EXOBJS) $(libgcc_eh-y) $(libsupc-y)
+libcxx-so-y = $(EXOBJS) $(libgcc_eh-y) $(libsupc-y)
+$(EXOBJS) $(libgcc_eh-y) $(libsupc-y) : $(WRAPPER)
+$(top_builddir)src/$(LIBNAME).a: $(libcxx-a-y)
+	$(Q)$(RM) $@
+	$(do_ar)
+	$(do_ranlib)
+$(top_builddir)src/$(LIBNAME).so: $(libcxx-so-y)
+	$(call link.so,$(SRC_OUT)$(SHARED_FULLNAME),$(ABI_VERSION))
+	$(do_rm) $(addprefix $(SRC_OUT), *.o abi/*.o libuClibc++* core)
diff --git a/src/abi/libgcc_eh/Makefile b/src/abi/libgcc_eh/Makefile
index fe2eb01..dede061 100644
--- a/src/abi/libgcc_eh/Makefile
+++ b/src/abi/libgcc_eh/Makefile
@@ -1,25 +1,4 @@
-include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.mak
-all:	libgcc_eh
-libgcc_eh: unwind-c.o
-#ifeq ($(GCC_VERSION),3.3)
-#	echo Version 3.3
-#	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o unwind-c.o GCC_3.3/unwind-c.c
-#ifeq ($(GCC_VERSION),3.4)
-#	echo Version 3.4
-#	echo Binary
-	$(AR) x $(shell CC="$(CC)" $(TOPDIR)/scripts/find_libgcc_eh.sh)
-	$(RM) *.o
+include $(top_srcdir)Rules.mak
+include Makefile.in
diff --git a/src/abi/libgcc_eh/Makefile.in b/src/abi/libgcc_eh/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56ef68f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/abi/libgcc_eh/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+LIBGCC_EH_OUT := $(top_builddir)src/abi/libgcc_eh/
+OBJS = $(call list-archive-members,$(LIBGCC_EH))
+libgcc_eh-$(IMPORT_LIBGCC_EH) := $(OBJS)
+LIBGCC_EH_VAR := $(call variablify,$(LIBGCC_EH))
+ifeq ($(filter $(noconfig_targets),$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+-include $(LIBGCC_EH_DEP)
+ifneq ($(libgcc_eh-y),)
+$(libgcc_eh-y): $(LIBGCC_EH)
+	$(Q)$(RM) $(LIBGCC_EH_OUT).*dep $(LIBGCC_EH_OUT)*.o
+	$(Q)$(if $(LIBGCC_EH),(cd $(LIBGCC_EH_OUT) && $(AR) x $(LIBGCC_EH)))
+	$(Q)echo "libgcc_eh-y := \$$(addprefix \$$(LIBGCC_EH_OUT),$(libgcc_eh-y))" > $@
+CLEAN_libgcc_eh: ;
+	$(do_rm) $(addprefix $(LIBGCC_EH_OUT),.*dep *.o)
diff --git a/src/abi/libsupc/Makefile b/src/abi/libsupc/Makefile
index 63f626f..dede061 100644
--- a/src/abi/libsupc/Makefile
+++ b/src/abi/libsupc/Makefile
@@ -1,25 +1,4 @@
-include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.mak
-all:	libsupc
-#ifeq ($(GCC_VERSION),3.3)
-#	echo Version 3.3
-#	$(WR_CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) -o eh_allocQ.o GCC_3.3/eh_alloc.cc
-#ifeq ($(GCC_VERSION),3.4)
-#	echo Version 3.4
-#	echo Binary
-	$(AR) x $(shell CC="$(CC)" $(TOPDIR)/scripts/find_libsupc.sh)
-	$(RM) -f new_op*.o del_op*.o pure.o new_handler.o eh_alloc.o eh_globals.o
-	$(RM) *.o
+include $(top_srcdir)Rules.mak
+include Makefile.in
diff --git a/src/abi/libsupc/Makefile.in b/src/abi/libsupc/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e01d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/abi/libsupc/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+LIBSUPC_OUT := $(top_builddir)src/abi/libsupc/
+OBJS = $(call list-archive-members,$(LIBSUP))
+OBJS-OMIT = $(filter new_op%.o del_op%.o pure.o new_handler.o eh_alloc.o eh_globals.o,$(OBJS))
+libsupc-$(IMPORT_LIBSUP) := $(filter-out $(OBJS-OMIT),$(OBJS))
+LIBSUP_VAR := $(call variablify,$(LIBSUP))
+ifeq ($(filter $(noconfig_targets),$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+-include $(LIBSUP_DEP)
+ifneq ($(libsupc-y),)
+$(libsupc-y): $(LIBSUP)
+	$(Q)$(RM) $(LIBSUPC_OUT).*dep $(LIBSUPC_OUT)*.o
+	$(Q)$(if $(LIBSUP),(cd $(LIBSUPC_OUT) && $(AR) x $(LIBSUP) && $(RM) $(OBJS-OMIT)))
+	$(Q)echo "libsupc-y := \$$(addprefix \$$(LIBSUPC_OUT),$(libsupc-y))" > $@
+CLEAN_libsupc: ;
+	$(do_rm) $(addprefix $(LIBSUPC_OUT), .*dep *.o)
diff --git a/tests/Makefile b/tests/Makefile
index 3ed8a26..afd83ef 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile
+++ b/tests/Makefile
@@ -1,62 +1,7 @@
-include $(TOPDIR)Rules.mak
-CXXOFLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Os -g3 -ansi $(EH_CXXFLAGS)
-TEST_SRCS	:= $(wildcard *test.cpp)
-UTILITY_SRCS	:= testframework.cpp
-ifneq ($(UCLIBCXX_HAS_WCHAR),y)
-TEST_SRCS	:= $(filter-out wchartest.cpp,$(TEST_SRCS))
-TEST_SRCS	:= $(filter-out excepttest.cpp,$(TEST_SRCS))
-UTILITY_OBJS	:= $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o, $(UTILITY_SRCS))
-OLDUTILITY_OBJS	:= $(patsubst %.cpp,%-old.o, $(UTILITY_SRCS))
-EXOBJS		:= $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o, $(TEST_SRCS))
-OLDOBJS		:= $(patsubst %.cpp,%-old.o, $(TEST_SRCS))
-ALLBIN	:= $(patsubst %.cpp,%, $(TEST_SRCS))
-OLDBIN	:= $(patsubst %.cpp,%-old, $(TEST_SRCS))
-LDFLAGS-valarraytest := -lm
-ifeq ($(DODEBUG),y)
-all:	$(ALLBIN) $(OLDBIN)
-all:	$(ALLBIN)
-	$(RM) *.o *.o-old core
-	$(MAKE) -C testoutput clean
-test:	all
-	$(MAKE) -C testoutput test
-	$(WR_CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(UTILITY_OBJS) -o $@ $@.o $(LDFLAGS-$(notdir $(@)))
-	$(HOSTCXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(UTILITY_OBJS) -o $@ $@.o $(LDFLAGS-$(notdir $(@)))
-$(EXOBJS): %.o : %.cpp
-	$(WR_CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS-$(notdir $(*))) -o $@ -c $<
-$(OLDOBJS): %-old.o : %.cpp
-	$(HOSTCXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS-$(notdir $(*))) -o $@ -c $<
-$(UTILITY_OBJS): %.o : %.cpp
-	$(WR_CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
-$(OLDUTILITY_OBJS): %-old.o : %.cpp
-	$(HOSTCXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
+include $(top_srcdir)Rules.mak
+include Makefile.in
+include $(top_srcdir)bin/Makefile.in
+include $(top_srcdir)Makefile.end
diff --git a/tests/Makefile.in b/tests/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b29e4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+TESTS_DIR := $(top_srcdir)tests/
+TESTS_OUT := $(top_builddir)tests/
+WR_CXX := WRAPPER_INCLUDEDIR=-I$(top_srcdir)include WRAPPER_LIBDIR=-L$(top_builddir)src $(WRAPPER)
+LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS-$(LIBNAME).so) $(call link.asneeded,-lgcc_s)
+TESTS_SRCS-y := $(wildcard *test.cpp)
+UTILITY_SRCS := testframework.cpp
+TESTS_OMIT-$(UCLIBCXX_HAS_WCHAR) := wchartest.cpp
+TESTS_SRCS-y := $(filter-out $(TESTS_OMIT-),$(TESTS_SRCS-y))
+EXOBJS            := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o, $(TESTS_SRCS-y))
+UTILITY_OBJS      := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o, $(UTILITY_SRCS))
+ALLBIN            := $(patsubst %.cpp,%, $(TESTS_SRCS-y))
+HOST_OBJS         := $(patsubst %.cpp,%-old.o, $(TESTS_SRCS-y))
+HOST_UTILITY_OBJS := $(patsubst %.cpp,%-old.o, $(UTILITY_SRCS))
+HOST_BIN          := $(patsubst %.cpp,%-old, $(TESTS_SRCS-y))
+all: $(ALLBIN) $(if $(DODEBUG),$(HOST_BIN))
+include $(TESTS_DIR)testoutput/Makefile.in
+DEPS-valarraytest := -lm
+%.o: %.cpp ; $(compile.oxx)
+%: %.o ; $(compile.uxx)
+%-old.o: %.cpp ; $(hcompile.oxx)
+%-old: %-old.o ; $(hcompile.uxx)
+$(ALLBIN): % : %.o $(UTILITY_OBJS)
+	$(do_rm) $(addprefix $(TESTS_OUT),$(ALLBIN) $(HOST_BIN) *.o core)
+clean: CLEAN_testoutput CLEAN_tests
diff --git a/tests/testoutput/Makefile b/tests/testoutput/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 97ae470..0000000
--- a/tests/testoutput/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-include $(TOPDIR)Rules.mak
-	$(RM) *.test *.out
-ifeq ($(DODEBUG),y)
-	V="$(V)" ./runtests.sh DODEBUG
-	V="$(V)" ./runtests.sh
diff --git a/tests/testoutput/Makefile.in b/tests/testoutput/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a197328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testoutput/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+TESTOUTPUT_DIR := $(TESTS_DIR)testoutput/
+TESTOUTPUT_OUT := $(TESTS_OUT)testoutput/
+test: all
+	cd $(TESTOUTPUT_DIR) && V="$(V)" ./runtests.sh $(if $(DODEBUG),DODEBUG)
+	$(do_rm) $(addprefix $(TESTOUTPUT_OUT),*.test *.out)

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