NOEXEC environment bug

Ron Yorston rmy at
Wed Nov 1 19:50:29 UTC 2017

There's a related problem when SH_STANDALONE and SH_NOFORK are enabled:
changed shell variables aren't visible to NOFORK applets.  For example,

   $ ./busybox sh
   $ mkdir ~/mybin
   $ cp busybox ~/mybin/thing
   $ export PATH=~/mybin:$PATH
   $ which thing

If SH_NOFORK is disabled (or 'which' is not NOFORK):

   $ ./busybox sh
   $ export PATH=~/mybin:$PATH
   $ which thing

Lots more applets have been made NOFORK recently, though at a quick
glance I suspect most of them don't access environment variables.
Obviously 'which' does.  And 'printenv'.


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