Busybox 1.4.2 tftp: read error: Input/output error

Mattias Schlenker ms at mattiasschlenker.de
Thu Feb 16 10:21:24 UTC 2017

Am 16.02.2017 um 11:08 schrieb Vesta:
> I managed successfully download the other MTD files via tftp, some of them larger in size than mtdblock6 "RootFileSystem". mtdblock6 size is near 4,3MB
> The downloading is over the wan network, not via local net. In general, embedded CPU is weak and Busybox implementation with limited functions (no gzip, etc)
> I've never been successful with using netcat on Busybox, only tftp worked. After running nc command it just stay forever, zero-size file been created on PC and it never got actual bytes. Netcat transfer can used in different ways, perhaps there is command variant that might work better in this particular case? Please specify netcat commamnd that can work in this situation, on transmit side and receive side.

Just tried on a live linux that has busybox on board, this would be your 
embedded device:

dd if=/dev/sr0 | nc -l -p 3456

On the receiver side (PC?) to retrieve the image:

nc 3456 > test.img


Mattias Schlenker - Freier IT-Fachredakteur und -autor
                              redaktion at mattiasschlenker.de
Mattias Schlenker - IT-Consulting, Softwareentwicklung
                             consulting at mattiasschlenker.de

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