nandump options

A.W.C. bluestream at
Fri Dec 1 15:22:18 UTC 2017

What is correct syntax of a nanddump command?

nanddump rev.

Usage: nanddump [OPTIONS] MTD-device
Dumps the contents of a nand mtd partition.

--help            display this help and exit
--version            output version information and exit
-f file    --file=file          dump to file
-i        --ignoreerrors      ignore errors
-l length  --length=length      length
-n        --noecc              read without error correction
-o        --omitoob            omit oob data
-b        --omitbad            omit bad blocks from the dump
-p        --prettyprint        print nice (hexdump)
-s addr    --startaddress=addr  start address

Does nanddump command support only MTD-device name as argument? ( /dev/mtdx )
For example, MTD partitions specified with starting and ending offsets of NAND partition:

0x01b60000-0x01d60000 : "HS_FW"

I tried commands

nanddump -o -b -f  /tmp/hsfw.bin  -s 0x01b60000 -l 0x00080000

nanddump  /dev/mtd9 /tmp/hsfw.bin

but in both cases the output is "Usage" info, means something is wrong with syntax.

Also, are the -o and -b arguments already default?(included in nandump code)

The example of command(s) will be very helpful.


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