More flexibility for fbsplash

Mattias Schlenker ms at
Wed Oct 5 18:43:06 UTC 2016

Am 05.10.2016 um 19:59 schrieb Timo Teras:
> Alpine Linux carries the following related patches, which may be of
> interest (or not):
> But yes, agreed, fbsplash could use some additional features.

Hi Timo,

I do not see too much difference between our approaches. If your patches 
did make it to BusyBox or if I ever heard about them I probably never 
thought about mine. Regarding Simons approach of centering the image I 
think it makes most sense to just take most of the calculation logic to 
userland scripts. BusyBox provides us with expr and well working shells, 
so saying "position the image 100px above center line and 200px left" 
will not take up too much memory and will be just calculated once and 
then written to the config file - as soon as the framebuffer is available.

Maybe it is desired to specify the foreground colors and the gradient of 
the progress bar? Should it take too much memory I'd happily add some 
configuration option for those at build time.


Mattias Schlenker - Redaktion + EDV-Beratung + Linux-CD/DVD-Konzepte
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