Create RAM disk downloaded via TFTP

Mattias Schlenker ms at
Mon Dec 19 07:17:18 UTC 2016

Am 19.12.2016 um 04:18 schrieb Vered Zvi:
> Hello,
> I created a root file system with busybox.
> Currently I have a tree with the following folders: bin sbin boot tmp sys proc ....
> My target (ARM-V7, NXP's LS1021A) was booted OK with this tree over NFS.

Then create a (compressed) CPIO archive from the content:

cd /path/to/rootfs && find . | cpio -o -H newc > ../inird.img


cd /path/to/rootfs && find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -c > ../inird.gz


Mattias Schlenker - Redaktion + EDV-Beratung + Linux-CD/DVD-Konzepte
August-Bebel-Str. 74 - 04275 LEIPZIG - GERMANY

Telefon (VoIP "ueberall"), geschaeftlich: +49 341 39290767
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