What's the easiest way to make Busybox keep correct time?

Joshua Judson Rosen jrosen at harvestai.com
Tue Sep 2 20:33:31 UTC 2014

On 2014-09-01 07:00, Harald Becker wrote:
> Hi !
>> Actually, the hwclock time is what's inaccurate
> :-( ... bad hardware!
>> That is very interesting but since this system is always connected to the
>> Internet, I'm not sure I need to be that concerned about the hardware clock.
> If your system is always connected to a functioning Internet connection, you
> won't need it, with a running ntpd ... but as you told you are going to record
> Satellite or Terrestrial TV, so think about situations where the Internet
> connection dropped (for which reason ever). As soon as ntpd can't contact the
> public time server, your clock starts to run away from the real time. So it will
> depend how long the Connection is missing. For short drop outs, it won't make
> much difference, but when the connection is lost for hours, the time drifts away
> and your recording time may be too. That is using adjtimex to correct you system
> clock to drift as less as possible, will help to solve such Internet drop outs.

Doesn't ntpd already use adjtimex to make that correction?

(I see the adjtimex call in ntpd.c, at least--I haven't yet traced through
  the code to understand what adjustments it's actually making...)

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