replacing system(3) call with internal applet call

René Rhéaume rene.rheaume at
Sat Oct 11 19:58:46 UTC 2014

I recently switched to mdev to try to improve the startup time of my
computer. However, much of the execution is taken by modprobe. I then
looked the mdev source file and saw the system() function call, which
means spawning two processes: a shell and the wanted command. I have
several questions:

1. Can I save a process spawn by prefixing /bin/busybox to commands in
mdev.conf? Example @modprobe $MODALIAS becomes @/bin/busybox modprobe
2. Same question for helper scripts by replacing #!/bin/sh with #!
/bin/busybox ash
3. What is the applet call macro or function name?
4. Would the applet call effectively save two processes as I think?
5. Is it possible to invoke modprobe (either the busybox or the kmod
one) in parallel with something like xargs?

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