missing config-language.txt

walter harms wharms at bfs.de
Fri May 16 14:26:10 UTC 2014

Hi list,
i was looking in Config.src and i needed same details from
the documentation. As you can see every Config.src has
the hint see scripts/kbuild/config-language.txt.

grep -r "config-language.txt" *
archival/Config.src:# see scripts/kbuild/config-language.txt.
archival/Config.in:# see scripts/kbuild/config-language.txt.
Config.in:# see scripts/kbuild/config-language.txt.
console-tools/Config.src:# see scripts/kbuild/config-language.txt.
console-tools/Config.in:# see scripts/kbuild/config-language.txt.

but "find . -name config-language.txt" yields nothing, checked with the latest tar-file.

I see two options:
Either we need to remove the comment or we need to add

Not a big deal but we should not send users searching for files that do not exists.


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