ftpd authentication

Denys Vlasenko vda.linux at googlemail.com
Tue Aug 5 20:00:09 UTC 2014

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Morten Kvistgaard
<MK at pch-engineering.dk> wrote:
> I've attached a patch for adding basic authentication to the ftpd.
> This used to work with version 1.21.1. And walter harms tested it with 1.22.1. And it worked with trunk 3 months ago.
> It doesn't seem to work with the current trunk though?
> The difference lies with "getpwnam" I think. (It's returning NULL on my Ubuntu.)

getpwnam will not be very happy in chroot.

I fixed that, and also added actual change of user identity,
and refactored password check to not duplicate code.

Applied to git, please try it now.
For example, I'm curious whether people who want _anon_ ftp
are unhappy now....

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