coordinated compliance efforts addresses the issues of this thread (was Re: Amusing article about busybox)

Felipe Contreras felipe.contreras at
Mon Oct 15 06:31:52 UTC 2012

On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 5:40 PM, farmatito at
<farmatito at> wrote:

> tough nobody answers thusly de facto
> eroding my right to get the source code, unless I start some kind of legal
> action.

You as a user have no rights, you have a *privilege*, a privilege
granted to you by the developer through the license. If you, as a
user, sue a company for not complying with the GPL of my source code,
I can give them my code with a different license, and you can do
nothing about it. *You, as user, have no rights*.

Felipe Contreras

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