SendMail in BusyBox v1.19.3

Rick podric at
Tue Mar 20 20:48:19 UTC 2012

On Tuesday 03 January 2012 00:47, Rick wrote:
 > I'm having some difficulty in interpreting the latest usage syntax for
 > SendMail. I'm only familiar with the version in the BusyBox of a couple
 > years ago, which included more switches. The old syntax for my purposes
 > sendmail -S"smtp server address" -f"from email address" -F"From name"
 > -d"sender's domain" -s"Subject" -m"content of the message"
 > sendmailhere at
 > Of the above switches, apparently only -S and -f survive in the current
 > version, depending on what -o "Various options" means. So, I'm a little
 > puzzled about how to go about things now, particularly if there's no -m
 > think redirection of a file containing the message might be involved now,
 > but I failed at that as well).
 > Could someone list a concrete example for me?  Thanks.

On Monday 09 January 2012 04:06, Denys wrote:
> sendmail command line was made more compatible with "standard" one -
> which isn't doing any composition (it does not add From/To/Subject
> lines etc, it simply sends the data supplied on stdin).
> You need to add those lines yourself.

I thought I'd add to the above to mention what my problem was with sendmail
even after understanding the new way of doing things. With the old,
pre-revamp version of sendmail, as shown above, I needed the -d switch to be
able to send mail via Comcast, which is the U.S.'s largest ISP. That switch
was no longer listed among the switches for new sendmail on the busybox
site, so I never even tried it. The very helpful Harald had mentioned trying
hostname/domainname commands before using sendmail, and I did, but it had no
effect. Using sendmail would always trigger a pair of  "500 5.5.2 bad chars
in command" lines in response from Comcast, and that was that.

Then someone mentioned trying "-d" anyway, which is always what
I used to do with old sendmail, and that fixed the problem.

Might I suggest adding that switch back to the usage page?  Was it omitted

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