Amusing article about busybox

Mark Constable markc at
Sat Feb 11 10:05:26 UTC 2012

On 11/02/12 16:41, Rogelio Serrano wrote:
> we might as well just rewrite linux under a more permissive license...

Feel free, have fun. Not that anyone cares but I wouldn't be using it.

I am guessing but I suspect a lot of the intellectual semantics of how
busybox works will be transferred to toybox without attribution. That
is all fine and legal but I would be curious to know if a close parallel
project like toybox has in any way contributed *anything* back to the
busybox project even though they are "borrowing" the core concept?

Guessing again, I suspect not and if so then it nicely illustrates why
the the GPL is important and should be enforced where ever possible, to
help prevent one way dilution of intellectual concepts, let alone code.

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