PATCH: Support for more bash/readline(ish) functions

Flemming Madsen busybox at
Tue Sep 20 18:41:36 UTC 2011


FEATURE_EDITING_EXT: Support for more bash/readline(ish) functions in line

 1) Completion menu for browsing completion matches with S-Tab/Tab
      readline function: menu-complete, menu-complete-backward
      (unbound by default)
 2) Find commands matching prefix before cursor with M-p M-n
      readline function: history-search-forward, history-search-backward
      (unbound by default)
    I find these easier to use than C-R incremental search,
    but this is of course a matter of taste.
 3) Insert last word of previous (repeated) command with M-. or M-_
      readline function: yank-last-arg (M-., M-_)
 4) Word/identifier deletion and movement aliases M-w M-b M-f
      readline function:  kill-word (M-d), backward-kill-word (M-Rubout)
 5) Redraw line with C-X (And C-R if incremental search is disabled)
      readline function: redraw-current-line
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