Keyboard tables with string definitions and diacriticals

Denys Vlasenko vda.linux at
Sun Mar 27 16:29:12 UTC 2011

On Sunday 27 March 2011 16:53, Harald Becker wrote:
> > I think implementing loadkeys is a better solution.
> What about implementing a separate loadkeys applet, that is based on the
> "-b" option. That is: Parsing the ASCII key table and writing a binary
> keyboard table on stdout. After doing some extension to loadkmap that
> could be used in a modular and compatible fashion (internally loadkeys
> always works in that two step fashion, only without the pipe).
> loadkeys -b KEYBOARD_DEFINITION | loadkmap
> For those purposes where the ASCII table parser is to be excluded the
> loadkeys applet can be disabled in the configuration. That leaves
> Busybox at the current usage level:
> loadkmap <BINARY_KEY_TABLE
> or
> zcat BINARY_KEY_TABLE_GZ | loadkmap
> What about that type of solution?

Looks good to me.


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