[PATCH] miscutils: add ubimkvol ubirmvol and ubirsvol

Denys Vlasenko vda.linux at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 5 02:17:46 UTC 2011

On Thursday 03 February 2011 20:22, Reuben Dowle wrote:
> Here is an updated patch including the strcpy -> strncpy change.
> I also added a parameter check which exits with an error if the user enters a too-long name, which is the behaviour of the mtd-utils ubimkvol. This perhaps makes the use of strncpy superfluous, since the length is now verified twice? I left both in there... could be removed if we want to minimise the application size.

+//usage:#define ubirsvol_trivial_usage
+//usage:       "<UBI device node> -N NAME -s SIZE"
+//usage:#define ubirsvol_full_usage "\n\n"
+//usage:       "Create UBI Volume\n"
+//usage:     "\nOptions:"
+//usage:     "\n       -n VOLID        Volume ID to resize"
+//usage:     "\n       -s SIZE         Size in bytes"

It's "Remove UBI Volume", not "Create".

Also, something is fishy with -n option.
It is listed as -N in short help. So what is it?


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