Can I set up my own sub-environment?

David Collier from_busybox_maillist at
Fri Feb 4 08:37:00 UTC 2011

I want to install a package on a Linux machine - but I can't say which
Linux Machine ( thanks Woody )

I've come to the conclusion that it would work best if all my scripts and
programs operate in an environment where the commands they use are
provided by a known version of busybox I ship with them.

I've got everything going with busybox, and I particularly don't want to
find it's all different on a Debian machine.

So ... My subsystem all starts up using S94netrix.

( I guess ) I'd like all the stuff started there, and everything it ever
subsequently invokes to use a path to
or similar.


Is there any reason why that would upset 'standard' functions like
OpenVPN, PPP, dhcp or anything else, if I start them up from an
environment where they don't access the original /bin and friends? 


if I set 

export PATH=/myapp/bin:/myapp/sbin:/myapp/usr/bin:/myapp/usr/sbin

at the start of S94netrix.... will everything invoked from it inherit
it.... or maybe I need to add 

export ENV=/myapp/

anyway, all suggestions welcome, even "It's not possible"


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