[patch coreutils/ touch.c] fix help

Alexander Kriegisch kriegaex at freetz.org
Mon Dec 12 16:12:27 UTC 2011

>>> please cc: this to busybox.net
>> I just clicked "reply". Why was the reply-to header wrong in the
>> first place? I did not send it to your e-mail on purpose.
> no clue why, but you email client is dropping the CC.

Maybe you should reply to BB messages normally and CC other, not CC the
list itself. It would enable others anwering your posts to just use
"reply", as intended. A "reply to all" is not the usual option one
chooses when writing to a mailing list.

>>>>> to have a chance you need an use case please explain to the
>>>>> ml why you need that particular option. there is a good
>>>>> change that we can suggest an alternative way.
>>>> To be able to change a file timestamp on an embedded platform.
>>> to a given timestamp, i guess i see the problem :)
>>> I think in this case we need to drop DESKTOP to make that tools 
>>> functional again.
>> Thanks, Walter. :) It is not a must-have for me, but very nice to
>> have really.
> I was thinking how to set it to a given time, hard indeed without
> having a referenzfile or a timestamp :)

True. As a workaround to get an old timestamp for a semaphore file which
for certain reasons must not be deleted, I used "copy -p" to copy a
small know file with an old timestamp over the existing semaphore, but
this is rather ugly. ;-)

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