R: Re: R: Re: applet delgroup is incomplete (bb 1.17.2)

Harald Becker ralda at gmx.de
Tue Sep 21 09:14:06 UTC 2010


It doesn't do what you propose!!! ... try it!

do the following:

adduser USE_OPTIONS_YOU_LIKE myuser
(don't use mygroup as primary group above any other group is ok)
addgroup mygroup
grep mygroup /etc/group
--> mygroup line contains no myuser
addgroup myuser mygroup
grep mygroup /etc/group
--> now myuser is in the mygroup line
delgroup myuser mygroup
--> bammm!!!
grep mygroup /etc/group
--> myuser still there in mygroup line

... myuser should be removed from the group line in /etc/group, but it
doesn't works ... and I can still not find any code that shall do this.
So please look carefully, what you are proposing. Thx.


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