how can I override busybox builtins?

Monkey D. Luffy the.real.monkey.d.luffy at
Mon Oct 11 12:39:34 UTC 2010

After several hours of head banging I realized that busybox uses
builtins instead of the binaries in PATH.
Why is this the default behavior? If the executables are in PATH it
would make sense that the user wants them to be used instead.
Is there a way to force busybox to use the executables in $PATH
instead of the builtins?
Maybe setting a shell variable like:  BB_PREFER_BUILTINS=no
Note that setting the full path to the executable, eg: /usr/sbin/mount
(I deleted the /bin/mount), doesn't solve the problem because is it
used in exec scenarios.

My usage context is the following:
I'm using busybox in a Debian initramfs-image. And I'm trying to do
some fancy things, namely mounting some systems which only work with
the full-featured mount and losetup commands.
So ideally I would still like to use Debian's busybox package instead
of building a special busybox version, due to maintenance reasons
among others.
Hence me wishing that there is shell variable that can be set or a
.busyboxrc file that can be read.


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