[PATCH] grep -F/fgrep support for -i

Ian Wienand ianw at vmware.com
Wed Apr 28 21:56:49 UTC 2010


 From my reading of POSIX, grep -F should probably support -i

-F Match using fixed strings. Treat each pattern specified as a string
    instead of a regular expression.

-i Perform pattern matching in searches without regard to case

-i doesn't really say it does *not* apply to non-regex patterns.  Most
  (all?) other greps also seem to respect the -i

Below is a little patch with a simple test-case that fixes it for me.



function                                             old     new   delta
grep_file                                            907     970     +63
(add/remove: 0/0 grow/shrink: 1/0 up/down: 63/0)               Total: 63 bytes
    text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
  701414	   2093	   9064	 712571	  adf7b	busybox_old
  701477	   2093	   9064	 712634	  adfba	busybox_unstripped

ianw at jj:~/programs/busybox/testsuite$ ./runtest grep
PASS: grep -F handles -i

Signed-off-by: Ian Wienand <ianw at vmware.com>

diff --git a/findutils/grep.c b/findutils/grep.c
index 40caef4..0e88bc4 100644
--- a/findutils/grep.c
+++ b/findutils/grep.c
@@ -254,7 +254,15 @@ static int grep_file(FILE *file)
  		while (pattern_ptr) {
  			gl = (grep_list_data_t *)pattern_ptr->data;
  			if (FGREP_FLAG) {
-				found |= (strstr(line, gl->pattern) != NULL);
+				char *l = line;
+				if (option_mask32 & OPT_i) {
+					l = xstrdup(line);
+					str_tolower(l);
+					str_tolower(gl->pattern);
+				}
+				found |= (strstr(l, gl->pattern) != NULL);
+				if (l != line)
+					free(l);
  			} else {
  				if (!(gl->flg_mem_alocated_compiled & COMPILED)) {
  					gl->flg_mem_alocated_compiled |= COMPILED;
diff --git a/testsuite/grep.tests b/testsuite/grep.tests
index 8692307..26d77cc 100755
--- a/testsuite/grep.tests
+++ b/testsuite/grep.tests
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ testing "grep handles multiple regexps" "grep -e one -e two input ; echo \$?" \
  	"one\ntwo\n0\n" "one\ntwo\n" ""
  testing "grep -F handles multiple expessions" "grep -F -e one -e two input ; echo \$?" \
  	"one\ntwo\n0\n" "one\ntwo\n" ""
+testing "grep -F handles -i" "grep -F -i foo input ; echo \$?" \
+    "FOO\n0\n" "FOO\n" ""

  # -f file/-
  testing "grep can read regexps from stdin" "grep -f - input ; echo \$?" \

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