[PATCH] ash: refresh stack pointers after makestrspace in _rmescapes

Colin Watson cjwatson at ubuntu.com
Thu Apr 22 13:37:56 UTC 2010

Without this, _rmescapes sometimes returns random garbage while
performing parameter expansions such as ${foo#bar}, in the event that
the allocation of r happens to need to reallocate the stack and hence
invalidate str and p.  I'd love to provide a test case but unfortunately
it's dependent on exact stack layout, so I don't have anything simpler
than the situation described in
which involved a sequence of foo="${foo#*, }" expansions on a long
string inside our RAID configuration tool.

The same fix has been in dash since 2007-09-26, contributed by Roy
Marples <uberlord at gentoo.org>.  I actually came up with it independently
almost to the character, but then synced it up with the variable naming
used in dash when I noticed that change afterwards.

Signed-off-by: Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com>
 shell/ash.c |    4 ++++
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/shell/ash.c b/shell/ash.c
index 9d55f89..9c85773 100644
--- a/shell/ash.c
+++ b/shell/ash.c
@@ -5425,7 +5425,11 @@ rmescapes(char *str, int flag)
 		size_t fulllen = len + strlen(p) + 1;
 		if (flag & RMESCAPE_GROW) {
+			int strloc = str - (char *)stackblock();
 			r = makestrspace(fulllen, expdest);
+			str = (char *)stackblock() + strloc;
+			p = str + len;
 		} else if (flag & RMESCAPE_HEAP) {
 			r = ckmalloc(fulllen);
 		} else {

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