Supplying unavailable functions

Dan Fandrich dan at
Tue Sep 15 22:27:31 UTC 2009

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 11:57:18PM +0200, Denys Vlasenko wrote:
> Sure. Please send a patch. But this will also require autoconf-like
> machinery to detect a platform, and we don't have it.

I wasn't planning on reimplementing autoconf but just providing a way for
users to manually specify the configuration without having to edit
the source. Some of this could be done automatically with platform
detection macros in platform.h (as is being done to some extent today),
but I was planning on going it the easy route by forcing the user set it
up manually using the config system. That will at least encapsulate
the platform-specific configuration in one place with the BusyBox
configuration--the .config file.

>>> Dan
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