O_NONBLOCK on stdin left set by child (using ash shell)

Cathey, Jim jcathey at ciena.com
Wed Nov 11 17:01:44 UTC 2009

>Why you call the same thing (resetting of O_NONBLOCK)
>in sh "a fix" and in vi "mangle"??

Because an interactive shell has something of a special
place in the minds of users.  Maybe I could condone it
gaining a bit of special cleanup code, but no way could
I back having to change _every_ interactive application
in the world in order to adapt to an (ill-considered)
change such as O_NONBLOCK having an effect beyond O_.

If pressed, I could back the shell being just as crippled
as any other application if somebody pulled the rug out
from under it, for consistency's sake.

-- Jim

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