busybox and upx on arm

walter harms wharms at bfs.de
Sat Jul 11 09:09:48 UTC 2009

> Hi,
> things got a little trickier then expected.
> Upx seems only to be able to compress Version4 EABI
> binaries (like the copy of busybox I've got on the rom
> of my phone, which shows the aforementioned bug)
> but so far I've been able to compile only   Version5 EABI
> copies of busybox which upx cannot compress 
> ( UnknownExecutableFormatException ).
> I've tried different versions of the codesorcery toolchains
> and different combinations of compiler switches
> but with no luck, I always obtain a v5 binary.
> Now I'm running out of ideas to try......
> Hints are very very appreciated ;-)

note: i do not use ARM

according to: http://wiki.debian.org/ArmEabiPort

the is a switch called: -meabi=4  may that is what you need ?


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