can we mount disk with label by mdev

walter harms wharms at
Thu Aug 13 12:59:45 UTC 2009

loody schrieb:
> Dear all:
> The mdev works fine to automatically mount the disk on my platform.
> But i have one question:
> Is it possible to mount the device with disk label?
> there is an idea come to my mind.
> 1. cross-compile e2label
> 2. add shell script to get volume label by executing e2label.
> 3. mkdir the label name and munt it.
> But is there build in command in busybox which can help to do the same thing?
> appreciate your help,
> miloody

hi Loody,
would a UUID also helpful ? We have a tool for UUID in place.
BB has already some e2tools i do not know if they include e2label.
but there is already a findfs where you identify a fs by label.


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