No subject

Mon Sep 15 15:02:55 UTC 2008

CONFIG_DESKTOP controls whether these FEATUREs are visible and thus
configurable; FEATUREd are made the extensions which can be avoid in
favor of size. As busybox doc _still_ fortunately states, one of the
primary goals is to keep it small. Those features that are used quite
rarely should be FEARUREd.

`id -G` is surely the case since it is not `id` default behavior. Some
people would prefer to not use it (my case, I never used or even knew
this switch:) Moreover, to make it FEATUREd costs nothing at runtime,
and a little at download-time.

The rule of thumb is the following: A) if one implements a feature
which ADDS (and not FIXES a bug) a functionality to EXISTING applet it
should be FEATUREd; B) if one implements a new applet all lengthy code
that can be thrown without loosing the main functionality, should be

Time (and critisism of co-users;) will then make its destructive
action: some of FEATUREd will loose enclosing #defines, some will


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