
Vladimir Dronnikov dronnikov at
Mon Oct 20 07:52:01 UTC 2008

Sorry, I had to be brief...

It needs more documentation.  (Spawn specific application... what
> application(s)?  Is it in /etc/acpi?  What's the format of that?)

acpid listens to ACPI events coming either in textual form from
/proc/acpi/event (though it is marked deprecated it is still widely used and
is standard) or in binary form from specified evdevs (I use
/dev/input/event* while testing).
It parses the event to retrieve ACTION and a possible PARAMETER.
It then spawns /etc/acpi/<ACTION>[/<PARAMETER>] either via run-parts (if the
resulting path is a directory) or via sh -c unless. If the resulting path
does not exist it logs it via perror and continues listening.

It is intended to be run as service so it does not daemonize.

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