inetd bug

Denys Vlasenko vda.linux at
Wed Nov 5 11:37:01 UTC 2008

> Cathey, Jim schrieb:
>> We've been using BB, and found that when we had an /etc/inetd.conf
>> file with only one service in it, said service being commented in
>> and out as it was enabled/disabled by the system (along with a HUP
>> to inetd), that the lone service could not re-enable.  I tracked it
>> down to a bug where the maxsock variable wasn't being used correctly.

Can you explain where exactly that failed? Form what I can see,
the only erroneous place is this one (fix is shown too):

 static void recalculate_maxsock(void)
        int fd = 0;
+       maxsock = 0;
        while (fd <= prev_maxsock) {
                if (FD_ISSET(fd, &allsock))
                        maxsock = fd;

Basically, if there are no services at all, maxsock was not updated
and stayed -1, the rest of code was not expecting that can ever happen
after recalculate_maxsock().

Am I right in my analysis or are there other places where code is wrong?
IOW, does the above fix work for you?

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