Again, german umlauts in ash command line prompt

Paul Fox pgf at
Fri Jan 11 16:05:59 UTC 2008

 > After having a look at lineedit.c, I found the following code:
 >   if (!Isprint(c)) /* Skip non-printable characters */
 >       break;
 > That's bad.

okay -- that's what i suspected, and it's why i sent you there.  :-)

 > Please note that the problem doesn't only prevent me from entering
 > german umlauts into my console, the '§' character doesn't work either
 > on my systems.
 > I commented out the above code block in lineedit.c and everything works
 > now. So what's the reason in disabling the input of non-printable
 > characters?

it's a bug (an old one -- that line appears in busybox 1.00),
arising on traditional assumptions that programs only need to
deal with US-ASCII characters, which are never greater than 127.

i'll remove the check.

 paul fox, pgf at

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