new applet: script

Pascal Bellard pascal.bellard at
Tue Feb 26 22:35:01 UTC 2008

A new version. Simpler and ... less buggy !

> On Sunday 24 February 2008 23:58, Pascal Bellard wrote:
>> Here is the updated patch.
>> > static void finish(int sig)
>> > How about less cryptic one ........?
>> Maybe I'm wrong, but I want to catch all pending signals.
> I mean: other people will read your code. Many of them
> are less talented than you. Will they grok it correctly?
> How easy it will be to misunderstand it? So far, I feel like
> I too don't fully understand it. That's why I'm asking.
> Let's see. My thinking process:
> fail() does "kill(0, SIGTERM);". No TERM handler installed.
> Usually programs have it set to SIG_DFL (terminate process)
> by parent.
> So, fail just prints a message and kills itself? Why not
> just exit() instead of kill? Do you see some scenario
> where SIGTERM is set to SIG_IGN by our program's parent?
> Or what? I am confused! You have to explain it in comment.
> Ok, let's assume SIGTERM is set to SIG_IGN.
> done() always exits, restores term attrs from "tt" if !subchild.

Now only the parent restores term attr.

> fail() always calls done().

No more fail()

> finish _may_ call done().
> main program:
>         pty = getpty(line,sizeof(line));
>         if (pty < 0) {
>                 fail("Out of pty's"); <=== -> done(), will restore term
> attrs...
> ...but attrs are not saved yet to tt! Bug?

Yes, it is.

>         }
>         tcgetattr(0, &tt);
>         child = fork();
>         if (child) { /* parent: link mainshell stdin to pty input */
>                 close(fdscript);
>                 bb_copyfd_eof(0, pty);
> 		done(); <========= will restore term attrs
>         }
> Suggestion: just add done() as a last statement, don't
> nest else's. They are confusing. [Undoing nesting here:]

Ok. Anyway the optimizer will move them

>         /* child */
>         subchild = child = fork();
>         if (subchild < 0) {
>                 fail("fork"); <========= will NOT restore term attrs
> so, bb_perror_msg_and_exit("fork") is the same?
>         }
>         if (child) {
> 		/* child1: link pty output to mainshell stdout and file */
>                 char    buf[256];
>                 close(0);
>                 while ((count = read(pty, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
>                         write(1, buf, count);
>                         write(fdscript, buf, count);
>                         if (fflg) {
>                                 fsync(fdscript);
>                         }
>                 }
>                 done(); <========= will NOT restore term attrs
> so, why not just exit(0)? It would be clearer...
>         }
>         /* child2: link subshell input, output, error to pty */
>         close(pty);
>         close(fdscript);
>         pty = xopen(line, O_RDWR);
>         tcsetattr(pty, TCSAFLUSH, &tt);
>         ioctl(pty, TIOCSWINSZ, (char *)&win);
>         setsid();
>         ioctl(pty, TIOCSCTTY, 0);
>         xmove_fd(pty, 0);
>         dup2(0, 1);
>         dup2(0, 2);
>         execl(shell, strrchr(shell, '/') + 1, shell_arg, cflg, NULL);
>         fail(shell); /* -> done() */ <============ will restore term
> attrs?! (subshell == 0)
> Is it correct or a bug?
> If it is correct, add a comment and explain why.

Bug again. execl may not return.

> } /* end of main */
> So, after all this, it looks like fail() can be replaced by
> bb_[p]error_msg_and_exit(), and done with either exit()
> or tcsetattr() + exit(), as needed.
> Also, variable "child" is ok - it means "if !0, I have a child with this
> pid",
> but variable "subchild" is misnamed: 0 in parent, !0 in child1, and 0
> again
> in child2? It means "if !0, I am child1"? Maybe rename it then?

No more subchild. Parent instead.

> Similarly comfusing situation is with finish():
> /* Maybe sigchld_handler would be a better name? */
> static void finish(int sig)
> {
>         int pid, die = 0;
>         (void) sig;
>         /* purge all waiting signals */
>         while ((pid = wait_any_nohang(&sig)) > 0) {
>                 if (pid == child) {
>                         die = 1;
>                 }
>         }
>         if (die) {
>                 done();
>         }
> }
> I do not understand. What signals? You mean "wait for all *children*,
> [not *signals*], and if we are parent and see child1 exiting,
> or if we are child1 and see child2 exiting [crap. I am becoming confused
> what is a child to what. This is a bad sign], we exit. If we are parent,
> we also restore term attrs. [Oh no. I'm wrong. We do it if
> we are parent _or_ child2? Why?]
> Question: how parent can ever see _anyone else_ exiting except child1?
> Or how child1 can ever see _anyone else_ exiting except child2? They have
> no other children! And grandchildren are not reparented to grandparent
> in UNIX, they go straight to PID 1, so it doesn't matter what
> grandchildren
> will be ever created by execl(shell, ...). So, if you ever see wait
> returning
> pid > 0, it is _your child you are waiting for_.
> Even better: if you got a SIGCHLD, you may be fairly sure it's THAT
> child exited. In the handler, just wait(NOHANG) in the loop until
> it returns < 0, then exit.
> Even better #2: both parent and child1 have loops a-la
> while(read(...)) write(...)
> They will stop looping as soon as there is nothing to read -
> that is, when child closed stdout/stderr.
> This is not the same as above, but close. It's in fact better -
> otherwise shell's grandchildren can outlive shell and continue
> (trying to) produce output, you probably want to catch that too.

with parent, stdin will never close.

> And in this case, you dont even NEED to catch SIGCHLD!
>        POSIX.1-1990 disallowed setting the action for SIGCHLD to SIG_IGN.
> POSIX.1-2001 allows  this  possibility,  so  that
>        ignoring  SIGCHLD can be used to prevent the creation of zombies
> (see wait(2)).  Nevertheless, the historical BSD and
>        System V behaviours for ignoring SIGCHLD differ, so that the only
> completely portable method of ensuring that  termi-
>        nated children do not become zombies is to catch the SIGCHLD signal
> and perform a wait(2) or similar.
> I'd say set SIGCHLD to SIG_IGN in this case.
> --
> vda
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