How to upgrade glibc

Alessandro Rubini rubini at
Thu Apr 17 14:28:57 UTC 2008

> Yes, the pending write operation is the removal of the old library,
> replaced by the new one. This can never happen since the library is
> used until the very end of the shutting down process (init - busybox,
> is dynamically linked on my system).

I see. So that's why they "init u". I didn't think about it.

> How do people here deal with that kind of upgrades?

I think most embedded systems nowadays use initramfs. At least that's
what I do, but I don't use x86, only arm and the like. There, you
don't upgrade packaged but the whole system (they call it "firmware
upgrade"). I prefer to upgrade in parts: /usr is external (flash) and
done file-by-file, while / is initramfs and is erased and rewritten
as a whole.

Unfortunately, I don't think it's trivial to split an hda1 install
into an initramfs + external /usr .


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