additional applets available as ash builtins?

Cristian Ionescu-Idbohrn cristian.ionescu-idbohrn at
Sat Apr 12 15:48:12 UTC 2008

There are some performance down sides if one makes intensive use of
certain bb-applets in shell scripts.  And that's the probable reason why
2 of these applets (echo and test) are available as BUILTINs.

Which of these simplier applets could become builtin candidates which are
easy enough to add to the list:

	basename	cat	cut	date	dirname	env	expr
	false		head	kill	ln	mkdir	mktemp	pgrep
	pidof		pkill	printf	readlink	realpath
	rm		rmdir	seq	sleep	stat	sync	tail
	touch		true	uniq	usleep	wc	which	yes

Is this a good idea?
Is there intrest to see more applets available as ASH_BUILTINs?
Also, what is required to be able to do it?



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