Cann't find Cross Compiler in menuconfig?

NalaGinrut suimualatsuki at
Mon Sep 17 03:53:38 UTC 2007

    I'm a busybox-freshman.And I don't know how to compile busybox to be a 
cross compile version.I mean an ARM cross compile busybox.
    When I got into menuconfig,I cann't find the option 'Do you want to build 
BusyBox with a Cross Compiler.',but it's on my book!
    The cross-tools I used is arm-linux-gcc-3.3.2.While I make busybox-1.7.1 
with 'CROSS_COMPILE	?= arm-linux-', I got an error message below:

  CC      applets/applets.o
applets/applets.c:20:2: warning: #warning Static linking against glibc 
produces buggy executables
applets/applets.c:21:2: warning: #warning (glibc does not cope well with ld 
applets/applets.c:22:2: warning: #warning See
applets/applets.c:23:2: warning: #warning Note that glibc is unsuitable for 
static linking anyway.
applets/applets.c:24:2: warning: #warning If you still want to do it, remove 
applets/applets.c:25:2: warning: #warning from top-level Makefile and remove 
this warning.
applets/applets.c:26:2: #error Aborting compilation.
make[1]: *** [applets/applets.o] 错误 1
make: *** [applets] 错误 2

What should I do?
Please help.Thanks.

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