run-parts unsorted ?

Tommi Kyntola tommi.kyntola at
Thu Sep 13 06:18:31 UTC 2007

I tried searching the mailing list briefly about this, but
couldn't find anything about the lexicographical sort order
having been changed in run-parts, but it seems like it has.

Scripts used to be run in sorted order, but that's no longer the case.

The change took place between 1.4.2 to 1.5.0 when the run_parts
was apparently rewritten.

Was the change intentional?

Or do we need a patch for it?

The man page of run-parts clearly suggests that it should run
in lexicographical sort order. I don't mind using other means
to run my /etc/rc.d/S* scripts, but run-parts seems no longer
suitable for that...

Tommi Kyntola
tommi.kyntola at

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